What would our government do differently/better/cheaper if it controlled the entire health care market?

If it resembles Canada’s it will not eliminate private insurance. I have private insurance for hospitals drugs and dentists.

Hope this helps. VA satisfaction very high.

Private insurance will always be a large part of our HC system. No one is arguing for an elimination of all private insurance - just an expansion of MC to lower income americans - essentially replacing the Obamacare subsidies and market place plans - and perhaps veterans.

Maybe you didn’t notice, but Bernie Sanders didn’t win.

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How does universal healthcare count as controlling the healthcare market?

Lol that article spends more time talking about how virtually ever single payer system has private insurance too. Congrats you found one proposal to hyperfocus your boogeyman fears on

Ummmm I pay for Water and Sewage. Since Sewage and Water is usually run by a company that is in it for the money. They have to make money and profit to keep supplying Water and Sewage.
If I have a Well and Septic Tank I do not have to pay for Water and Sewage from the Towns system. But towns tend to lay down new pipes to offer Sewage and water to areas that mostly have Septics and Well why? Because they want to make more money by offering the services to those areas.

Thank you for explaining the obvious that things cost money.

My water and sewage is provided by the city. They are not doing it to make a profit. Yes, it does cost money, but not one argued otherwise.


I was hoping someone could answer the question I put forth in the OP. Could you?

Let’s start with administrative costs…

Yeah great example, except we wouldn’t have any hospitals without private insurance making up for the money they lose treating Medicare patients.

So when a City Hands over Water and Sewage to a 3rd Party much like Trash pickup you are saying they don’t make a profit?

Hospital systems lose money on Medicaid, break even or do a little better with Medicare and make money on private insurance.

Hospitals would figure it it out. There’s too much money involved not to.

I can only talk to what my city does.

How oh how do hospitals exist in places like Germany, the Netherlands, France and Sweden? While only paying half per capita of what we do? It like, defies physics or something.

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Should is an interesting word.

So if you make medical care not for profit, what quality will your brain surgeons be? Let me answer that for you. They will be ■■■■ and you will have to remove the ability to sue for malpractice negligence from the medical system. But hey, at least no one will be making money at it.

Texas has had medical malpractice caps since 2003… Our costs keep rising…

Yeah, no good neurosurgeons in the developed world besides the US.

that’s right. You get what you pay for. Pay ■■■■ for doctors, you get ■■■■ doctors.

So, Medicare for all AND I’ll need private insurance to cover the gaps in Medicare. Why would I want a system where I have to buy 2 insurance policies?