What would happen if

Nice work. It’s important stuff

Your mention of battered women…this is an example of why homelessness is rarely a choice. Lots of battered women end up homeless.

I mean, I guess it is a choice in a way. They choose to not live with an abuser. But it’s not the quaint “if people just made better choices…” thing

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Like a battered woman?

Like a child of abusive parents?

The child of drug addicts?

A mentally ill brother or sister with. I insurance or method of treatment?

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You throw that out there in derision. It is precisely what is happening. It’s philosophy, culture, not so much physical bodies.

Turning Texas purple.

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Many lack the vision to look ahead and plan the best path that leads to your desired goal. What I’ve stated thus far, would achieve the desired outcome, if all applied this plan to their own lives.

Ever the authoritarian.

Mostly by violating the Constitution.


Even if that was the absolute answer… which I have my doubts… all will not apply that plan to their lives.

There will still be a homeless problem.

So it isn’t really a solution to anything. But… there is the added benefit of being able to continually complain about liberal cities… so there is that.

Who abused her? Was that same person brought up by the type of parents I described? I can tell you plainly, if I raised my hand against my wife, my father would raise his hand against me. This is the role model for a nuclear family that needs to be taught, demonstrated and promoted with in our society. That would be the best method to eliminate battered women and the outcomes associated with this.


I don’t think that’s true.


Crit theory.

…but more than now, will, thus reducing the problem in future generations. It may not be eliminated but greatly reducing it is a step in the right direction.

I vote they all move to Texas. :rofl:

All that is well and good, but plenty of people get married and have good starts, then people change…

No one chooses to be in an abusive relationship.

Not when 60% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck.

Covid deaths are higher now with a vaccine, mandated or otherwise, than during the Trump years without a vaccine. It cost him an election fer crissakes! And it has been alleged that during the Trump administration’s assigned Covid deaths, a percentage of those were from natural causes but were conveniently lumped together to inflate those numbers. Oh, and the former now disgraced Goobernor of NY handling of the elderly then also blaming Trump? Great stuff huh?

That’s not true. Highest average under trump was about 3K a day. We’re at about 1800 now.

Yes…it is true. This isn’t about a day, it’s about the total for the year thus far.

U.S. Covid-19 Deaths For 2021 Surpass Toll From 2020

That’s not true. At the time, crime was down city wide.

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And there is a vaccine that those included in the Biden death toll have had. An argument could be made over the actual effectiveness of the vaccine especially among those with compromised immune system.

There is an expression of wishing in one hand…

This is not a plan. It is wishful thinking that allows one to feel that they have a solution without the inconvenience of seeing it put into action.