What would happen if

Print them homes for under 10k each. Prosecute and jail them for vagrancy if they refuse to live in them. Either way, they are no longer homeless.

Well that makes sense. January 2021 saw deaths in the range of multiples of thousands per day.

I like the idea of giving the homeless houses. That is a solution that provides stability.

Jailing them though… not into that. I think that medical treatment would be more effective.

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Those are not the ten commandments. Those are the Roman Catholic revision of the ten.

They broke #10 into two, so they could drop #2 -

“Thou shalt not make unto thyself any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Thou shall not bow down to them, nor serve them…” Ex. 20:1 ff

They love their idols.

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It’s a conversation. Both are happening. But in massively blue states, conservatives votes are swamped by red majorities. If the reds move to purple states in greater numbers than blue do, they hopefully secure the purple state for red. If they stay in the failing blue states, their votes are swallowed up. Arguably fewer blues want to move to states that pander less to work-averse citizens.

No. I was asking what would happen if patriotic people who did not want to be vaccinated moved to purple and red states rather than submit to the tyranny. It’s a thought experiment.

That does not say or imply that “not getting vaccinated is patriotic.”

That’s what I thought. But some people seem to think those patriots would be democrat voters

Oh, why are the patriots? Because they are unvaccinated?

Ironically I left the red State of Texas for the Blue state of Colorado. I promised my wife we would move back to her home state following my retirement. Even though we lived 25 years in Texas for my job, we knew we wouldn’t stay. I’m from New England and we both miss the distinct 4 seasons, snowy winters, etc…

Over the last few years, I’ve made it a point to avoid politics as much as possible. Outside of the occasional visit to this forum I’ve been very successful in that endeavor. From what little I’ve been paying attention, Colorado’s governor is a DEM, but his policies seem to be moderate. Within that context, my day-to-day life hasn’t really changed with the move to Colorado.

As to the OP, I don’t see a mass exodus from blue states of those not wanting to be vaccinated.

Mostly because of choices.

Good Lord

It never has.

I’ll do you one better: let Texas go ahead and secede, and they can all go there. The resulting America will be healthier, more sane, and better positioned to finally begin meeting the needs and desires of it’s citizens.

Bonus: we can finally admit Puerto Rico as a share, so we don’t even have to change the flags.

15+ years of stagnate wages had a lot more to do with it.

You guys keep saying that. What happens when wages go up?

I’m seeing a mass exit from the states that have/had the most draconian lock downs to our.
state. Unfortunately.

Looks like a heinz 57 variety of plates on the cars these days.

Only plus is that the states they are leaving are bound to lose some reps at some point.

It’s an infestation of transplants and it’s going to cause even more resentment.

That’s true.

You won’t get an answer because the solution requires government intervention. Which is not what the conservatives want to use government for. They want to use government to continue the culture war.