What the **** is Trump doing at the Libertarian Convention in the first place?!

Yeah they’re not really black, uncle toms, etc. :roll_eyes:


LOL… an excellent pitch to a semi hostile crowd.

And to answer the OP… he was invited


Yea libs hide in basements and only go where they are seen favorably. Forgeign concept to them to try get support and govern for all.


Trump was talking to an interviewer about the accusations that he was going to be a dictator if he is reelected. That was the CONTEXT of his comment. He used this moronically ridiculous claim and used a little humor. What he actually said was " IM GOING TO BE A DICTATOR FOR ONE DAY". One day… One day… One day… I repeated that for your benefit. Then he specified that he would be a dictator about exactly two issues, the border being one of them. He was saying he’s GOING TO CLOSE THE BORDER ON DAY ONE, (thus solving the illegal issue) and then he finished his statement with ( follow along closely here) " AND THEN I’M GOING TO STOP!" Now I know you’ve been programmed to ignore anything that contradicts the official lies put out by your exalted leaders, but c’mon man, show them you can think for yourself once in awhile. Don’t you think Trump has actually said enough stupid things to criticize him for without having to repeat the verifiable lies your leaders instill in you?


As we know… people who are Dictators just give up power super easy.

I am going to be a Dictator for one day because that is all the time I need to fix Immigration and drill for oil… pinky swear.

Imagine anyone else saying this.

It is amazing the pass that you guys give to Trump because you see the really dangerous ■■■■ he says as annoying libs who somehow want to call the FBI on you.

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Call it what it is: PERNICIOUS psycho BOT DISEASE.

EOs. How many did Brandon do?

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He says as the sanctuary cities, his included, are changing tunes on a daily basis.

Brandon dictated 17 times on his Day 1.

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If the Biden administration didn’t have a record of declaring people like parents at school board meetings who object to wokeism and CRT in their kids schools as domestic enemies and sending the FBI after them, if the Biden administration didn’t have a record of sending the FBI to raid the estate of a former president to retrieve documents because he didn’t give them back to the official US librarian as demanded, then maybe Republicans would trust that the weaponization of the FBI was just a made up concern. But since Joe has done both of these things, and has weaponized the entire DOJ to help him remain in power, our concerns about the FBI are very real. And let’s not forget the blatant partisan false charges against Trump in solid blue districts to keep him from campaigning during the presidential election year. Sure, TRUMP IS THE ONE DOING DANGEROUS THINGS!


and this thread is a lame attempt to display how TDS can be both acute and chronic


People were making death threats to school board members.

Trump was given 18 months to quietly return them without consequence but instead falsified documents that said that he gave them all back and then directed people in his employ to destroy the evidence that he had kept the documents.

It is a made up concern. What the supporters want is special treatment… not lawful treatment.

The charges are not false. Whether it is a felony is up for debate. I personally think that going after a felony is overreach.

Yeah. Day one dictator. Using the local police to round up people. Firing a good portion of the government and replacing them with loyalists.

All very dangerous things.

But it is things that you guys like… so he can easily get the endorsement of violent gang members and it doesn’t matter.

Because none of it actually matters.

Being in power is the only that matters.


That’s quite funny as there has only been one person in American history who has mandated that the American population take an experimental vaccine.

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Speaking of the vaccine, from the article I linked to about the event:

Michael Fitch, 35, who has been a member of the Libertarian Party since 2012, said he appreciated Trump’s “bravery” in coming to the convention but has no intention of voting for him. “A lot of people like Donald Trump because they think he’s a conservative but he’s not a conservative,” he said. “He actually raised the deficit – he spent millions and millions of dollars.

“He capitulated to the pharma regime. Obviously his base, the Maga revolution, is very anti-lockdown but Donald Trump was the one who did Operation Warp Speed. We can’t let this guy off the hook: if we’re gonna come after [Anthony] Fauci and Biden, Trump’s on the same list. He’s just as complicit as the rest of them. I don’t think his base fully appreciates that and Donald Trump isn’t going to be the one to tell them it.”


I’m sorry but did I miss the part where it said someone else is guilty of mandating an experimental vaccine?

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“Speaking of the vaccine”

Probably shouldn’t have replied to your post as the starting point.

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I’m guessing the he lost control moment was when he told them “good luck winning 3%” …which was part of his speech.


Not those people.

How many did the Feds find and arrest?

Over half the death threats were directed at one person.