What the **** is Trump doing at the Libertarian Convention in the first place?!

why was he there? for the same reason he was in the Bronx


There were quite a few boos but there were quite a few cheers as well:


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There were 25 assessments involving threats. One of them was a full investigation that didn’t lead to charges but the majority of them were referred to State and Local authorities because it seems like they did not rise to level of being Federal crimes.

You know… tyranny.

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It’s a big truth bomb that they can’t accept but I’m glad he said it. I’ve felt that way for a long time that third party vote is a wasted vote that only helps the commie Democrat Party.

I voted for Ross Perot who got around 19% but I hang my head in shame because it only served to give Clinton a second term.

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To be expected from the party that can’t even agree on what the party even is. :rofl:

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I’m wondering if a similar effect will split the Democrat Party vote given Kennedy is in the race.

Ralph Nader was equally blamed by the left for BOOOSH! being given the stolen election by his brother in Florida and the old white people in the SCOTUS.

Both parties have been equally doing all they can, hand-in-hand to stop Americans from having a third choice ever since. :wink:


Very few actual libertarians in the Libertarian Party anymore. Most of the people at that convention are not ideologically libertarians. Most of the real libertarians that were left cut ties with the LP when they nominated Bob Barr.

I was seriously considering switching to the LP in 2016 after Trump’s nomination, but then they nominated pro-abort Gary Johnson because they thought that would bring in much needed funding.

There you go…libs and Dems denying legit Republican POTUS winners since 2000, about a 1/4 of a century but when R’s claim foul on the 2020 election they’re insurrectionists and criminals. You just can’t make up the hypocrisy and schizophrenia stuff up. :crazy_face:


I don’t know but I hope so. :pray:

The 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections, were all stolen and illegitimate to the left. 2020 was nothing but their glee in finally projecting that trait onto someone else. :wink:


total ■■■■■■■■ from beginning to end.


So one and no charges. Yet you still found it pertinent to post about it…


Trump was invited…so was Biden.


Someone went and took it someone went to beach for ice cream.


And had many cheering during his speech.

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That is when I gave up on them.

I used to vote Libertarian because I live in NYC and I thought I could signal a more Libertarian message to the parties if there was a certain percentage of the population voting for them… then they cozied up to Bob Barr and that was the last I paid attention to them.

They investigated what was brought to them.

But I wasn’t the one who brought it up… it was in response to a litany of grievances.