What the **** is Trump doing at the Libertarian Convention in the first place?!

I assumed that was a lame attempt to show the people of the Bronx how cool he was.

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No he didn’t. But since your CNN and MSNBC idols told you that’s what he said, then that’s the story you repeat.


You are supposed to ignore your eyes and ears and just listen woke lib nutjobs don’t you know??? :rofl:

They will tell you what to think. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I know it was a lame attempt.

But I also know that it is uncomfortable for the right wing and the right wing media…. That is why they are completely ignoring it because it is a complete 180 from the culture war freak outs of the past.

It shows that none of this really matters.

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Day one dictator on immigration.

What is the Libertarian platform on immigration?

That’s it!

He’s going everywhere for votes and i think that’s freaking out people like Hochal and our OP as well. :grinning:

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I’m loving the sheer level of butthurt that went into this thread.

The slope of those scoffs down those pointed noses, the seeking of righteous indignation comparable to a crack head inspecting random white powder on the floor, the defense of some fantastical turf.

And now look at those (D)ogs bark. :rofl:


Exactly- the point being he will say anything to anybody if he thinks that’s what they want to hear.


And that is leading him to embrace violent gang members and getting booed by Libertarians.

It’s going great.

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It’s getting even better now. The looniest and loneliest of unemployed libs are now speaking on behalf of Libertarians, as the arbiters of what they do and do not believe.

This Sunday morning’s jackassery is epic. Y’all be sure to point and laugh. :rofl:


I know humorless Libs can’t process sarcasm or tongue in cheek statements, and of course context is utterly meaningless to you guys, so it’s no surprise you simply regurgitate what your fed. Perhaps reviewing what he actually said and applying a little critical thinking would help you grasp what he was really doing with his words. I’d be happy to break it down for you if you get stuck.


Trump is going everywhere for votes and libs are losing their collective minds.

They are really wound up over the NY rally. :rofl:


True Trump is getting more support and drawing bigger crowds in blue areas that Joe does. The left can’t stand it so they have to tell their hardcore base not to believe it’s actually happening.


:+1: :+1: :+1: :rofl:

They are outdoing themselves today.

Their collective heads seem to be exploding lately.

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Better be careful with using the words exploding and heads in the same sentence about Libs, they might sic the FBI on you for making threats! :astonished:


I know… Trump can get away with saying literally anything because it is a joke.

When some one who is running for office says they are going to be a dictator… especially one who worked really really hard to overturn the result of an election and use parliamentary ■■■■■■■ to stay in power… why shouldn’t I believe him?

Why shouldn’t Libertarians believe him?

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Derision of libs and self imposed victimhood separated by a single comma.

Well done.


Look how butthurt they’re getting over the truth of their pathetic rage-seeking on a Sunday morning being brought to light.



He’s passing up no opportunities for votes and they are beside themselves with anger.

Especially as regards black voters. They seem to regard those votes as theirs and theirs alone.

How dare Trump try to win them over!


We all know how libs treat black people that don’t vote and act the way they’re supposed to. :wink: