What the hell is going on with rising Anti Semitic Attacks

I think he just snapped.

A couple social media posts doesn’t really show more than him snapping…at irrational bogeymen.


Posting anti-semitism online isn’t against the law. There are places on the internet where being openly racist won’t earn you a ban.

This is not one of those places. If you see racist memes/whatever being posted here, please report it.

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So we’ve learned that the rise in anti-Semitism of late is due to left wing racists now emboldened by an Islamic faction within the Democrat party.

I assume none of them are good people, so how do Real Americans fight this? Beyond continuing to support Donald, of course.


“Take the guns first, go through due process second.”


I mean, these ARE really bad people, after all.

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Bingo! The rise of antisemitism within the Democrat Party led by the jihad squad in the HOR as well as the anti-Israel sentiment Obama and his Muslim ilk ginned up during his Administration that has led up to the attacks on Jewish Americans right in their own homes.

It’s just more of the disgusting & toxic legacy of Obama!

Democrats! Jihad! Obama! Ginned up Muslims!

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The attacker was black.

Illegal immigrants are by definition invaders.

The canadian.

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Was it? Who is attacking them in New York?

The perp’s face was partially covered with a scarf but skin showed him to be an African American.

From the link.

The perp’s face was partially covered with a scarf but skin showed him to be an African American.

From the link.

People on discussion boards

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I love my nation and I am white. Ohhh, that makes me a BAD person and a fanatic? :rofl::

What if I am a black person and love my nation? What if I am a brown person and love my nation?

Now what? :roll_eyes:

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Do you have any proof you can provide that he lied about his marriage? Or that his children are not real?

There are rumors that Michelle is a man. That would mean those aren’t actually his children. I don’t know it’s true, but I can’t say it’s false.

I see. So, you like to perpetuate rumors.

I like to discuss the things that are current in the news. I’m sorry if that offends you.

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Rumor is not news.