What the hell is going on with rising Anti Semitic Attacks

If you say so.


Care to answer the question?

White nationalism doesn’t refer to white people who love their country. But you knew that.


I’m white. I love my country.

Explain to me why being white and loving my country is called “WHITE nationalism”.

The last three attacks in that area were done by black folk. Blaming white nationism is convenient, but probably not accurate.

I can explain! Because liberals want to totally destroy the lives of their political opponents. And they don’t mind lying or using fascist tactics to do it. (But you already knew this.)

White nationalism doesn’t refer to white people who love their country :laughing:

The perp’s face was partially covered with a scarf but skin showed him to be an African American.

From the link.

What does that mean?

Bull ■■■■■ Anyone seen using this sign :ok_hand: Is automatically assumed to be a white nationalist by the left. Guilty until proven innocent. It’s gotten beyond goofy.

Me either particularly on the part of Christians.

No Jew’s?

No Christ.

No death on the cross.

No resurrection.

No Christianity at all.

I’m white. Pretty sure my “coworkers” can figure that out on their own.

Do I love my country? Yes. Very much so.

Why must you make that into something nefarious?

Right? I’m trying to figure that out as well.

Nation and country are two different things.

How is a black guy in NY connected to white nationalism?

How many of the recent attacks in NY have been tied to White Nationalism?

Okay, thank you for the correction.

I love my Country. I love the United States of America and what is stands for. Warts and all.

:laughing: Amazing

People at the end of 2019 still don’t even know what “white nationalism” means

Criticizing Soros for his political activities is not “Antisemitism”.

How do you know the race of people on discussion boards?