What the hell is going on with rising Anti Semitic Attacks

Yes, all 1,300 of them.

how much have their numbers increased since Trump’s election?

They also very quickly lost their elation when they figured out Trump wasn’t secretly one of them.

And when the trend continues and Trump isn’t President anymore, who will be your boogeyman then?

He is not the root of all ills in the world.

What about this one case do you want to talk about, you obviously don’t want to talk about the larger issue that is the rise of antisemitism across the global.

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Again, the OP is about this case and the recent rise in such attacks in NY.

If you don’t want to discuss that why did you jump in at all?

Still waiting for you to show that there’s been any increase in numbers etc relating to these two groups.

So now that white nationalists and Donald have been eliminated as potential causes/sources of exacerbation, any other theories?

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Why was this thread moved? The political nature of Anti Semitic attacks makes it a political topic.

It could be the rise of AOC, Omar and Tlaib.


Excellent point.

The uncloaking of previously covert anti-semitism within the Democrat party is emboldening the more overtly antisemitic elements within US society.

You’re right and they aren’t even bashful about it anymore, those that are open and those that aren’t are doing a piss poor job of masking it today.

Here’s more about the Black Hebrew Israelites.

As with the Nation of Islam, they appear to be more of a black separatist group using religion as a smokescreen.

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OK. That was an exceptional response.

Nicely done.

On topic…I have NEVER comprehended the animus towards the Jewish faith. Their religious philosophy is entirely comparable with American values and peace.


Interesting and frightening point.


Thats a crock! The fault is the toxic hangover of the Obama Administration. Not only will BO go down in history as one of the worst Presidents in USA history, he will also be known for the greatest divider of the country.


LOL. Personally, I think it’s all soft white metro lib males and their millennial sickos who cause this and all the world’s problems, and I will rant about it incessantly.

But that’s just my take, based on years of internet experience.


I knew these kinds of attacks would only increase after America elected it’s first openly racist president, Barack Obama. He stroked racial tension with his beer summit. He divided the nation with his constant stream of lies. He lied about his marriage. His children aren’t even real. This is why Donald Trump was elected. America must be healed. Only God and Trump can help us now.


Interesting and frightening point.

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So, all 1,300 white nationalists are on those discussion boards? Yikes.

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Why do you think the trend will continue? The OP asks why there is a rise in antisemitism. I see people blaming white nationalism and others defending it in this thread, but I don’t see many answers to the OP’s question. Why do you think there has been a rise in antisemitism?

You forgot - it could be AOC. Or I think we decided that theory is “interesting.”

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