What should Trump do if actually impeached?

Christ, he is so ■■■■■■■ stupid.


Impeached by the house, and the trial is run by the senate.

Once the house votes a majority for an article of impeachment.

Trump is impeached.

Whether he is removed from office is another story but he is impeached.


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Perhaps that is his appeal to so many of the 62.8 million mostly morons who voted for him.

They finally got a president they feel is talking UP to them.


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It saddens me to have learned just how many folks have no clue how that all works.

So many folks on Facebook and in person and elsewhere have all thought the minute a president is impeached they have to leave office.

I would really like the FDA to be functional again.

And what do YOU want me to say? You want me of all people to attack Trump spelling and typing?

Seriously you want me to go after Trump for that?

I’m the last person to criticize him. But go ahead and know yourself out.

Yep…fake impeachment.

Yes, yes we know.

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At least I’m not hypocrite.

It’s like the electoral college, most people don’t understand it.

It’s not the presidential election but elections as there are 51 separate elections for electors.

We do NOT directly vote for the president nor the Vice President rather the state presidential elections elect electors to represent their states and dc. They gather once the vote is certified, they vote and the votes will next year be counted by Mike pence in December. 271 to win.


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Well that was funny.


You were the clamoring for impeachment by the House. Now that the screws are tightening is Fake impeachment. Lol.


Now we just need Jerry Nadler in clown suit and libs will be all set.

Yep, what this gentleman said. I’ll second it!

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I don’t want anyone to go after him for that one singular tweet.

It is the deluge of irrational and angry and not in touch with reality tweets from this fool since Jun 16th, 2015 that you seem to willingly ignore.

It is the 12,000 mistaken statements, unwitting fabrications, misleading responses, and out right lies from this fool since Jun 16th, 2015 that you seem to be willingly ignoring.

It is all of his “acting” leadership instead of getting good quality people in permanent positions.

It is his appointing an attorney general that was suspected, by sane and rational folks, of being more Trump’s top attorney if confirmed instead of being the nations top attorney. A suspicion that has turned into a truth.

There is daily a plethora of reasons to speak out about Trump, but you willingly ignore it all.






Why aren’t you a hypocrite?

Explain please.

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And there are plenty of reason for your support of Trump…after all Trump is basically doing what libs had promised.

You do know understand that…right?

It won’t be fake if a Majority of the House votes on the Articles of Impeachment being handed up to the Senate.


Then the question will be whether Moscow Mitch gives us a real trial in the Senate or a Russian Bear on a tricycle show trial?