What should Trump do if actually impeached?

What should he do? Not let the door hit him where the good lord split ya

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Knock yourself out. I don’t think libs have it in them. If they do, so what.

You’re going to impeach him again after he wins in 2020? :rofl:

I understand that isn’t in the least bit true.

What has Obese Donald done that “Libs had promised”?

Go on.

List 20 things he had done that we Libs promised to do.

Hit it Conan!

Apply at the nearest McDonalds for the free lunch that America no longer wants to give him.

If need be.

Although I have always been against impeachment unless the one being impeached is caught dead to right in just cause to go on trial in the Senate.

Securing our borders, bring back industry and other blue collar jobs, trying to fix infrastructure, increased goverment.

All those thing libs should be proud of.

If Obese Donald does get impeached he only has himself to blame.

Well peach away. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Spoiler alert, if it makes in to the senate it is DOA. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in for a depressing finale.


I’m wondering why you think he doesn’t do any of that now.

IMO McConnell would be better off allowing the vote.

He’s not miserable…hes a miserable person, but the two arenot’ the same.

I wish him no ill. I just want to see justice. I hope like hell there’s nothing to this, but if there is. He should be removed, put on a helicopter and flown back to Gotham.

Well, that’s false.

Hillary lost… get over it.


Personally, I’d like to see him release a copy of that healthcare plan he’s going to send over to Congress on day 1.


When did our borders become secured?

Obese Donald hasn’t built a single inch of his “big beautiful wall” yet.

What has been built during his term was already in the planning stages before he came into office and Congress passed budgeting monies for the REPLACEMENT fencing that has gone up during his term as well as for the road improvements along the border, as well as other border security measures. They have been approving these items in our budgets in a bipartisan manner all along, as well as increasing funding for more CBP agents. All Obese Donald had to do was sign his sharpie scribble on the bottom of the document.

But the thing is, our borders are not secure. he moved CBP agents from other ports of entry to the southern border to help with the extra flow of folks, despite his cruel treatments of illegal immigrants there. While those agents were reassigned the areas they normally covered were short staffed. All of this is because he has been a dismal failure in recruiting new agents and he has also been a dismal failure with fixing the immigrant justice system which is lacking in employees and especially immigration judges to handle the overload of cases.

Not to forget to mention his stealing from the DoJ to build his “big beautiful wall” that Mexico was supposed to pay for. Guess you missed that the Senate and the House have been voting on measures rebuking his misallocation of that money, and that the Senate passed it in a bipartisan manner?

No Democratic Candidate ever said they would steal from Military installations across America to pay for a vanity project at the border.

2 1/2 years of Obese Donald and our border crisis is at a breaking point…according to the DHS.

I can’t think of a single Democratic Candidate that promised to do any of this in regards the border and border security.

As far as bringing back industry?


Can’t really say he has accomplished that.

Truth is a mixed bag on those stats. Although there was a Tax Break for the Rich and Corporations growth bump the fact is many of the manufacturing areas were already on the uptick when he came into office. Oddly his tax breaks bump has been flattening and the China trade war crap has been furthering flattening the job growth. It doesn’t hurt that jobs that really might not be considered as real manufacturing jobs are being counted as such. I mean craft brewing employment and such.

It will be interesting to see what shakes out of his idiotic trade war crap.

I can’t think of a single Democratic Candidate that promised to do any of this in regards trade war or giving a huge and un-supporting tax break to the rich.


Oh, is it infrastructure week again?

Or is it talk-talk-talk as it has been, all along, just more empty rhetoric from Obese Donald on infrastructure.

He promised increased government?

Has he delivered?


I’m just hoping he doesn’t try to remain in office and doesn’t ruin our perfect record of peaceful transitions of power.


That’s what they said about Nixon. Until they didn’t back him anymore. Twenty four hours before he resigned.

Trump is holding up portal bridge funds becuase it’s jersey.


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Well one of his first official acts is to turn possible impeachment into a revenue stream.

This seems just about right.

Hurry up guys- you only have until 11:59 PM to be a part of it!