What One Florida County Could Tell Us About a "Gray Revolt" on Election Night

i couldnt care less about your tds problem

maybe you should go back and search some. i definitely did say nj might be in play and that ny could be. i don’t need you to tell me what i thought or think. try again

I am not telling you what to think. I am telling you what you said and approximately when you said it. Your gut feeling!

nope, you’re telling me what i thought. like you would have a clue. and yes, i did mention both nj and ny right here. fairly certain i know what i think better than you do

also mentioned OR, which could still happen

Well you have made your gut feeling an important part of your perspective i am just addressing that

The administrations waffling and hemming and hawing over the issue is not tds. :rofl: :rofl:

What is his health care plan?

Interesting theory.

Are you thinking it comes down to the timing of the last news cycle, or are you more saying our polling industry just can’t quite know how it’s really gonna pan out?

This might help. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/opinion/healthcare/518584-yes-trump-has-a-health-care-plan-he-has-been-implementing-it%3Famp

and? its my opinion no matter how i arrive at it. don’t really give a ■■■■ what you think about it

Yeah ok lol. Hence the four black dots.

don’t give a ■■■■ what you think about that either

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i’m gathering my thoughts on this to give a complete answer. have to take the wife to the doctor. will answer later today. the answer has a lot of moving parts… perfect storm sort of thing

That’s an opinion piece.

Can you link to the plan he was gonna release in 2 weeks 8 weeks ago?

Hope the doc visit is just routine.

Have a great day.

No but you saying they are hemming and hawing about it when the libs have fought him every step of the way with lawsuits is.

It’s not at all clear he has more public support than in 2016.

He for sure can still win…but his path to victory will be precisely the same as 2016…narrow narrow wins in battleground states that put him over the top in the EC.

That will not be a sign of “more public support than in 2016”.

But I do like it when you post these thing.
On no subject have you been correct yet with your “predictions”.
But I’m sure you’ll keep on keeping on.

I’m glad they have managed to stop him thus far from shutting it down. This is the only country many have ever known. It is beyond wrong to kick them out. It is inhuman.

They are as American as any of us.

no, they are not. they can and should be. that would require naturalization. Trump wants this, he’s just not willing to give away the store to get it.

i honestly think its going to depend on what voters, specifically swing voters are the most “tired of” when they go and vote. The country today, especially in swing states, is basically 40/40/20. 40% will only vote Dem or they won’t vote. 40% will only vote Rep or they won’t vote. of the remaining 20% likely 3/5 leans more right of center and the rest a little left of center. they don’t always vote, but whatever percentage of them do usually throw the election one way or the other, as getting about 3/5 of those who do vote to come out and vote usually puts one side over the top. niether like the polarization of the 40/40 crews. The winner of the “national” election is generally whichever side gets the 3/5 and manages to get out the base best. And, the winner usually does both (gets out their 40% plus 3/5 of swing voters who do vote) Those who would support the loser are more likely to have not been motivated enough to vote, same as with the base. IOW, if 5% of your base stays home, and you only get 2/5 of the swing voters who bother to vote… you lose.

So who shows up? The people who have Trump fatigue and will come to vote him out and go back to the politics as usual they must have forgotten they voted for him to get rid of in the first place? It’s possible. One thing is certain, Trump is over exposed. Familiarity breeds contempt. That’s his fault. I love the guy, but he just doesn’t know when to shut the hell up. Simple example, the “fine people” remark. There is nothing wrong with what he said. He said specifically in that moment he was not taking about supremacists. He could have ended all controversy by simply playing the whole quote in context and reiterating his disdain of supremacists. Instead he defended specifically the “fine people” remark without pointing out, that in context, it didn’t apply to the haters. His messaging was incomplete. It is the same for COVID. He defends when he should clarify with context. People believe the narrative against him, because of his defending against it. If Trump fatigue is the deciding factor in the last 48 hours, he loses “bigly”.

On the other hand, if people are tired of the constant venom and Trump hate coming from the left (which they do not share) they may reject that. Those swing voters were pretty happy with Trump pre COVID. It was a lock. Even in the early days of COVID he would have skated to victory. Those swing voters do not blame him for COVID. They want their economy back. They know Trump can deliver. They know a return to politics as usual can’t. They already rejected that.

In the last 48 hours some pretty important economic numbers will come out. Which side wins? Trump fatigue or the economy? If Trump fatigue and COVID fatigue wins, Biden wins big, FL, GA, NC, AZ, PA and maybe even TX. If economy and Trump hate fatigue wins Trump wins big, all of those plus maybe even OR and MN with much closer than expected races in NY and NJ.

thats my take.