What kind of retribution will Tucker Carlson face for exposing lies and misinformation about 1/6?

So you think the IG opened an investigation with no probable cause? An IG originally nominated for the position by Obama?

Don’t even let them do this. If he ended up getting tapped by the NSA attempting to contact Orban and Putin, why is that even unusual?

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My guess is that they got some conversations between Carlson and Orban when he was lining up his whole celebration of Hungarian Fascism thing he did a while back and someone tipped him off that he was recorded because the NSA is 100% listening to anyone who talks to Orban.

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I for one am mortified that the NSA may actually be doing its job surveilling other governments.

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And how did what was discussed or who he was talking to make it over to Axios?

Monday. I remember it was going to be Monday.

Granted, he didn’t say WHICH Monday.

Probably Tucker Carlson tipped them off.

He does that quite a bit.

He’s like a Frat boy playing pranks for kicks.

Sadly I think it’s worse. He was humiliated by John Stewart a decade ago and lost his show. Its revenge and seething rage that fires him up. Plus the paycheck.

I think his initial criticism of Donald Trump killed him.

As it did any other right wing political figure that didn’t jump on the Trump train during his meteoric rise.

The Stewart/tucker clip…


Think I’ll wait for the IG report.

Yes, we can trust the NSA to investigate themselves and admit any wrongdoing.

They dismissed reports from whistleblower Mark Klein about massive spying on electronic communications back in 2006.

“The government painted me as a nobody, a technician who was merely speculating,” said Klein, who made his disclosures after he accepted a buyout and retired from AT&T in 2004. “Now we have an actual copy of a FISA court order. There it is in black and white. It’s undisputable. They can’t deny that.”


Oh… you think that that is a gotcha? That I am going to defend the NSA?

Nah… it’s just that I don’t believe a word that comes out of Tucker Carlson’s mouth.

He made the claim without anything to prove it.

Why should I trust him?

There was a time when the mainstream media was skeptical of the surveillance agencies. Now they treat them as oracles of truth and hire them as their “experts”.

The CIA spied on Feinstein’s senate oversight committee in 2014. They pretended that nothing happened but were eventually forced to admit the truth. There was zero punishment, and many of the officials involved are working at CNN and MSNBC.


Congressional oversight now means the CIA has oversight over congress not the other way around.

Many of the events of January 6 and subsequent media reports make more sense when we see the context.

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Cheney has been hanging out with her woke Dem friends too long.

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That still doesn’t answer why I should trust Carlson’s word?

What evidence did he provide?

Or…she cares far more about the sanctity of the Republic than the average coward Republican politician.

I mean why would she risk her career and complete ostracism from the Right?


Because she has been hanging around with her woke Dem friends too long. There is no way that trying to silence journalists from exercising first amendment rights can be mistaken for caring about the sanctity of the republic, unless we are talking about the Republic of China.

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Wait, who is a journalist?