What kind of moron says this?

The “regressives”.

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Honestly, I think Biden should have been a bit more creative on this one.

“Tell you what - I’ll give you an answer after Donald Trump releases his taxes.”


“I’ll answer once we’ve seen Trump’s healthcare plan.”


“I’ll answer once we’ve seen evidence that the wall has been completed and Mexico paid for it.”

There are actually any numbers of such ways Biden could answer.

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A, so a Simon Says type leadership.

Which really isn’t leadership at all.

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Or a simple “We’ll see what happens”.

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12,000 eh? I thought it was 1,200.

Not that I’d turn down 12,000 mind you.

“Well, we’re going to have to see what happens,” Trump said when asked if he would commit to a peaceful transition, assuming he lost the election.

You righties really don’t have a leg to stand on here.

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Sure it is. Part of leadership is holding people accountable for their commitments.

Not the topic of the thread.

Do you think it is okay to tell the American people they don’t deserve an answer to stacking the Supreme Court?

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Joe’s not that quick on his feet.

That’s it? 12K when you could have a 15 billion dollar minimum wage? Erp, make that 15K minimum wage.

No wait… $15.00 minimum wage (whew)

Looks like I’m going to have to find a new way to designate humor on the board…

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To people who wouldn’t vote for him if you put a gun to their head? He owes them nothing.


Look, everything he does or says now will have happened before he is President.


“moral backing”? :rofl:

“activist judges”

If elected he is everyone’s President.

Yes, he owes me and every American an explanation. And yes we do deserve one.

He has the nerve to criticize Trump on COVID, but he’s so up on the science he takes his mask off to cough.

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Where did the everyone’s President concept come from?

The current President gets a lot of support here literally because he triggers the libz and his value as a troll.

I’m not buying it.


Geeze. I don’t know. Since there is only one every four years and we all have to live with the consequences? Just a wild guess there :rofl:

He gets a lot of support for his policies. Trolling libs is an added bonus.

Your prerogative :woman_shrugging: