What is your favorite hero dies movie?

Spike Spiegel’s death in the final episode of Cowboy Bebop was a powerful one if you like anime.


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I can’t believe Braveheart isn’t getting more love in this thread. I thought you people loved freedom?

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For me the movie deviated way too far from actual reality to be that enjoyable.

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Val Kilmer as Doc Holiday in Tombstone.


Dude no joke I had a regular customer a few years who looked just like that guy except that he had a beard.

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Old Yeller.

Mine was interesting in that the hero “died” twice (although the first time, as it turns out, he was only thought dead).

Captain Kirk in Star Trek Generations.

I guess it could be argued that Kirk also died in Star Trek: Into Darkness, although that was a separate timeline.

Then William Shatner wrote a series of novels where Kirk didn’t even die at the end of Generations…lol.

In the Star Trek Universe, does anyone really die?


Here’s another of mine:

Learned as a kid in the 70’s, when I was learning to play piano, the very sad theme song, “Hands of Time.”

Found this on You Tube about a week ago:

Now, while not a fan of graphic sex scenes in various books and films, it’s ridiculous to have to censor the name of a part of the male anatomy—especially when that’s where the germ cell tumor that killed Mr. Piccolo started.

The film was remade in 2001. I’d like to see the later version:

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Dr. Strangelove.

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Here’s a scene from another oldie, this one based on the life of Coach John Baker:

The school where he taught in Albuquerque, Aspen Elementary, received a unanimous vote to rename it John Baker Elementary School following his death.

The book by the late William Buchanan was a sad, but excellent read, & Coach John Haaland, played by Ed Begley, Jr., was a very nice man (friends on social media).

Robert Mitchum in Out of the Past

Time travel fixes all inconsistencies.

Bruce Willis ----- Twelve Monkeys

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This is Spinal Tap - The drummer spontaneously combusts…

For the kiddies- Charlotte in Charlotte’s Web.

I think the point of the thread is the death of a main character/hero you get attached to in the course of the film.

Oh yeah… The Departed.
and… Treasure of Sierra Madre



Didn’t catch that one.

Best known quoted line - “Badges? I don’t have to show you any stinkin’ badges”

Braveheart is a fantastic movie.

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