Spring boarding off a conversation in another thread, I Am Legend was brought up where Will Smith died in the end…oh spoiler alert? I thought it ended well, with the cure going on to help the remaining human race. I don’t remember the alternate ending …but I was pleased with the outcome of the original.
My personal favorite at this time is Avengers End Game. Yeah, it sucked when Ironman died, but it was a great personal sacrifice ending.
I love’s Captain Miller’s sacrifice in Saving Private Ryan. Specifically what he says to Ryan as he’s dying from blood loss from the 7.92mm Mauser round that punched through him.
“James, earn this. Earn it.”
A small statement. But considering what the squad had sacrificed to reach Ryan (only Reiben and Upham survived) it was a very poignant statement.
I really can’t watch the end of Return of the King without crumbling in a slobby mess. From the moment the eagles arrive to Frodo leaving for the Grey Havens. Absolutely destroyed.
The Director’s cut recognized the mutants as a different offshoot of humans who had gotten used to their mutation and were trying to live their lives.
They were only attacking Will Smith because he was experimenting on them.
The female he captured at the end was the mate of the leader of the mutants. In the alternate ending Smirh returned her to him, smashed his laboratory and went off to the colony in Vermont with the woman and child.
Sydney Carton subbing in for Charles Darnay in A Tale of Two Cities.
He did it for the love of Lucy but he was also completely redeemed at the end because not only did he die for Charles but he comforted another woman on her way to death at the same time.