What is Trump & the GOP's Deficit Plan?

Does that type of accounting work in other government programs?

Grover Norquist’s original idea…used over and over and over.

GOP slashes income taxes on the wealthy…nothing trickles down…economy tanks…GOP declares we must cut services and entitlements to reduce the deficit.

Over time, the commons is completely privatized. Mission accomplished.

Oh…and since Dems usually are the ones left holding the bag when the economy tanks…Dems get blamed for all of it.

Win/win/win for Norquist and his benefactors.


Green new deal
Free for all

You got a tax cut too.

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That article is from September and not accurate. Especially in one key way.


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Around 90 miles of border wall has been built since Trump became President. But nearly all of the border wall built since Trump became President has replaced already existing border barriers. And there won’t be 450 miles of new border wall built by next year.

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k. :sunglasses:

Wha…??/ that makes absolutely zero sense. People not sending money to family in Mexico in no way helps the government fund anything.

I know this is sooo 90’s, but the Democrats used to be mocked, and rightfully so, for that kind of budgeting reasoning. The President never campaigned on the wall will pay for itself over time. He campaigned that Mexico would pay for it because that sounds sexier when running for office.

Mexico did not and at this point will not pay for the wall.

Must be a big lib secret.

If he has, why don’t you know about it?

You’re the one who asked the original question of people here.

I disagree with your assessment, which seems to be implying that had Hilary won the deficit would be virtually eliminated by now. So here are some numbers regarding the deficit:

Federal Deficit-fed (USD billion nominal)
GDP-(USD billion nominal)






The deficit bottomed in 2015 at 438 billion, and since then has resumed an uptrend as predicted by the CBO prior to that: https://www.cbo.gov/publication/49892.

Trump took office in 1/20/2017 and the tax cuts were not passed until November 2017 and hence the first legitimate year to analyze that would be 2018. So in effect 2016 and 2017 would represent that original economic trend that we had under Obama. So the more accurate number to use would be 665 billion. Now let’s consider the three of the largest expenditures by the government in 2015 vs 2018:

2015: Social Security $882 billion; Medicare $540 billion; Medicaid cost $350 billion

2018: Social Security $1.102 trillion; Medicare $679 billion, Medicaid $418 billion.

The difference in just those three areas from 2015 to 2018 was an increase in 427 billion . So let’s do some math: 665 billion + 427 billion = 1.1 trillion dollars (rounded). So my prediction had Hillary won the deficit would still be going up and likely be around where it currently is today.

We need to cut the military budget and federal law enforcement spending.

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Dismiss reality as lateral thinking and proclaim pretzel logic as being the actual reality.

Works every time

I implied no such thing

:man_facepalming: what are you on about? I mase a thread asking what gop plan for reducing deficit is, because I didn’t know


Technically…I agree. Looking at the whole, the cost of illegal immigration on the taxpayers is in the billions, upon billions, upon billions…annually. Therefore, I said what I said based on this truth.

Why’d you stop at 2018? And what’s the GOP and Trump’s plan?