What is QAnon? Q 17 bakers clowns

I fly by and peek at some of the videos in the morning. They’ll post Trump’s crazy or not so crazy tweets. They’ll post responses to them from all corners of the world. Countries in Europe are being polarized by their government’s immigration policies that are drastically changing cultures that have developed over centuries and are voting them out. It really is a wild time right now and I find it interesting.

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Everybody can’t tread water.

K thats just garden variety Trump support. Q is a whole 'nother level.

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I wouldn’t know cuz I don’t go where I’m not comfortable.

got it…

10 char

Clearly, and those who don’t drown in the BS.

You better hold on to that life preserver I just tossed you.

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Live it.

Whenever you hear bad news about extreme right wing groups, is it just your reflexive defense that the story is made up by leftists?

How many more conservatives are you goung to accuse of being liberals?

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I don’t mean to offend but for a long time I’ve been accused of being a nit, crazy conspirator because I saw something I concluded to be nefarious and stated it before anyone else saw it.

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And the pot calls the kettle burnt silver bottom

Oh now you are conservative, JayJay :smile: delusions of the housecoat hillary crowd. :smile:

What does “Housecoat Hillary” even mean?

The Trumper book of insults gets lamer by the day.

Bro you are down the rabbit hole.

:rofl: oh god

You should get the new look, pizzareverandHousecoat-Hillary

Old lady wears comfy cloths.

Who gives a crap?

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Anonymous said today that they are going to expose QAnon.

Take that for what it is worth.

She dresses like my Grandma.

Oh wait, she’s the same age as my Grandma.

You making fun of my Grandma?!

It does seem so ludicrous that its somebody trolling Trump supporters.

The crazy is not new. It is just more available.
Really not much new and interesting…it is only amplified.

And you are getting sucked into the crazy.

i get it, it can be compelling, or try to explain things that is mind blowing.

But it’s still crazy.