What is QAnon? Q 17 bakers clowns

I just realized my link had a naughty word in the description and I can’t edit it. :frowning:

My friend…I may very well be the craziest of them all. I’m still working on…finding myself. :sunglasses:

Goodbye link. Now if only I could link it without the description:…

Ok Tweet from a random guy posting the link I want to use without getting a naughty word warning, take it away:

Qanon Is all BS. and @Bosun you should have posted in my qANON thread which beat yours out by quite a few days.


I called being an all day sucker…as PT Barnum is quoted as says.

There is one born every minute.


Your mind is already made up, isn’t it? Sounds like a fun discussion…NOT.

I used to love the idea that the Trump presidential candidacy was started as a left wing prank.

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Or antifa or Bernie Sanders.

now i’m sad

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The Qanon conspiracy just exposes the length to which Trumpers will go to twist the narrative to fit their view and actually believe it.

I mean it spawned from 4chan…

I posted that link earlier - you might want to delete it due to a naughty word.

It must be pretty cool to be one of the special awoken people instead of being a sheeple like me. You use your brain to see things that elude me. Very smart!

Not even close.

But keep trying for the false equivalences.

Thanks for the heads up bro, I just got let out of the cage too so :kissing_heart:

What’s the difference?

My wife and I are complete opposites…and since neither dominates the other…we are twice as strong united. I think there’s truth in that for all of us Americans…if…“we” are united? Now stop being so baaaaa, baaaaa, baaaaad. :sunglasses:

**_[quote=“SneakySFDude, post:71, topic:9168, full:true”]

Or antifa or Bernie Sanders.

The extreme groups that latch onto antifa are would be an example.

I am not even going to commit on Bernie as he as threatening as a cat memes on the internet.

Looks like QAnon might have attracted a new convert or two in this thread.

They are def baked on something that’s for sure