What Is An American?

They don’t call themselves that.

but almost anyone born in this hemisphere could…

They don’t.

Please continue…

You think that is uniquely American? And made America?

I did.

Why are you asking me? I’m not a Justice Democrat.

And what makes you different than a prog.
That’s trickier to define. They are similar in many ways, but modern progressivism is more of an American concept whereas social democrat is a more internationally recognized term. I think also there’s a lot of blurring of lines with these definitions, even within the left in the US. Some consider modern liberalism and modern progressivism to be the same where others consider liberalism to be more center and progressivism being more to the left. I prefer social democrat because its less ambiguous and doesn’t have ties to the earlier Progressive movement who supported things modern progressives don’t like eugenics and prohibition.

Ah, a social democrat.

So a prog who is a globalist (as are they all) and claims not to support eugenics.

Got it.

Preferring a more universal and accurate term over a Americanized one has nothing to do with being or not being a globalist. You can’t assume a progressive is a globalist.
And what’s this about claiming not to support eugenics? Are you implying social democrats support eugenics but won’t admit it?

You’re very keen on defining other people. What about yourself? Are you a libertarian? Conservative? Classical liberal?

Missed it. What is the one thing?


The link. Liberalism.

Importantly, “Americans” took over a enormous area of the continent that never really ever had dense populations. Here was a essentially a wilderness richly endowed with almost pristine soils, primary forests, and an abundance of minerals and other natural resources.

How’s a classical liberal different than a libertarian?

Are we just ignoring the fact that you implied I support eugenics?

I don’t know, what is the difference?

Do you support abortion?

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Why do you call yourself a liberal and not a libertarian? And why not a conservative?

Generally speaking, yes. How is abortion eugenics?

Because of the definitions we quoted in this thread.

Oh, you don’t know. Never mind.

It is a spirit.

You do not have to live in America to have the spirit. You need America so that you can have the freedom to make it reality.


I don’t think I identify as an American.

Conservative and libertarian have not been defined in this thread. If you don’t know what they mean you might want to look into understanding the factions on your side of the room before trying to rename those on the other side.

Cop out.

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