What Is An American?


If you had studied it, you wouldn’t ask that question.

And don’t think I haven’t noticed you skirting your original premises that America should be like Norway, Finland and Denmark etc.

Yes, what does that mean and what is the difference between a prog and a “Justice Democrat”?

Why doesn’t is say “out of one, many”?

Not one answer.

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Yes…made up of individuals, who collectively created a state government and infrastructure to ensure the individuals were able to thrive.

This myth about rugged individualism is what made America so great, is just that a…myth.

This really goes to the black/white view some people have of reality.

Ok. I missed that then. My bad. carry on.

Moving the goalpost again…

Rugged individualism is what made this country.

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What made America great?


A progressive supports government regulation of the economy and business practices to protect the consumer, push more minority rights, support social services… that sort of stuff. Hard to define specifically because I don’t believe all progressives have a single description they support. Also leftists tend to refer to their causes as being progressive while not necessarily considering themselves Progressives. A Justice Democrat would be someone who aligns with the Justice Democrats PAC.

Many things. Collectively.

Because individuals decide to take chances?

What does a “Justice Democrat” believe?

Name one.

I disagree. It was one thing.

Yep… me. :wink:

I’ve seen it. I’m asking you. And what makes you different than a prog.

Brazilians of people are Americans… South Americans even…