What Is An American?

I don’t think I identify as an American.

Conservative and libertarian have not been defined in this thread. If you don’t know what they mean you might want to look into understanding the factions on your side of the room before trying to rename those on the other side.

Cop out.

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Liberalism has. Libertarian has it’s own thread, thanks to the lovely and talented @Janet_Miller

I’m not renaming anything, prog.

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Might want to do a little research.

Whatever you say, con.

I don’t know what there’s to research. The purpose of an abortion has nothing to do with breeding out undesirable traits from the population.

Like I said.

Boring. Have a nice night.

It is a spirit or a state of mind. Perhaps a combination of both.

Yet, you already know this.

That would be my definition of what is NOT an American.

My liberalism is too strong. I identify as a Texican.

I live in Florida.

How do your values differ from mine.

So you’re ■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Got it. Thanks for the clarification.

Sweet dreams, con.

There’s no single definition of what is an American outside of the legal one.

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Great. Then if not legal, you are all for deportation, correct?

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Deportation of what?

Edit: changing because the topic of deportation isn’t in this thread.

It appears that you are.

Good talk.

You came so close to the edge.

I understand. What is legal.