What if "The Smartest People in the Room" Were NEVER the Smartest, Only the Most Corrupt - And Corruptible? HWGA on bob menendez

L-rd knows we could use an adult in the Oval Office, although I’d settle for a businessman who doesn’t start new wars and does good things for the domestic economy. :wink:


Not at all. I’ll be surprised.

You didn’t say it. That was my point… only deflections.

BTW, I would be more than happy if the BoP arranged for Trump, Hunter and Menendez to be roomies. :smile:

She can’t and she won’t.

Precisely…even to a point of terrorizing American people at expense of Blacks.

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He’s got to go.


No way to explain away gold bars and envelopes full of cash.

What’s you opinion of Ken Paxton?

How does the Texas AG influence my life?

Lol. funny that you accused me of hypocrisy while you refuse to condemn a GOPer.

If he’s found guilty he should go. There… consistent with the Dems in this thread.

He’s not going anywhere. Guaranteed.

Did you forget Joe? The Big Guy? :roll_eyes:


Well, there’s one significant difference between the Big Guy and those other three.
Did you forget?

This video provides an interesting explanation of the Menendez defense from Judge Napolitano, who is hardly a Menendez supporter.

My guess is that a lot of what Menendez did is just business as usual in Washington.

The real questions are why the DOJ chose to charge Menendez and why did they do it now?

Here are two possible explanations:

  1. It is distraction from more serious allegations involving President Biden.

  2. It is a swipe at Egypt. Egypt is on track to join BRICS, and Menendez is a political ally of Egypt.

My thought too.

We already saw it on this board: “See? There’s not special consideration from DOJ for Dems…”

Sacrificial lamb. Although with the razor-thin Senate count for Dems, it invites some peril on that front.


Prosecuting Menendez provides a fig leaf for the way blatantly political prosecutions are screwing Trump and his supporters. The DOJ can go through the motions of a prosecution knowing that a New York jury is unlikely to convict.

Oh this is fantastic….

That’s funny. I thought Menendez was against foreign influence? :joy::joy::joy:

I kid, I kid.

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Provides cover for the Big Guy as well.


The FBI says Sen. Bob Menendez, D-N.J., tried to interfere in two criminal matters in exchange for payoffs — and now NBC New York has learned the names of three people he allegedly wanted to pressure.

According to numerous sources familiar with the matter, two of the people were trying to become the state’s U.S. attorney. The third was, at the time, New Jersey’s attorney general, sources said.

So he has the NJ AG run interference for him. That’s cool.



This guy should be OUT of the Senate yesterday :rage:!

"SEEMS BAD: Prosecutors say the head of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee was an agent of Egypt from 2018-2022

See the superseding indictment for Sen. MENENDEZ:"

Indictment can be read at X link.