What if "The Smartest People in the Room" Were NEVER the Smartest, Only the Most Corrupt - And Corruptible? HWGA on bob menendez

Seems like only a short time ago this fraud was on trial for corruption and was accused of some pretty deviant behavior.

But dimocrats all said, “he’s our corrupt deviant” so they circled the wagons.

Here we go again…

But i thought New York would never go after a democrat?

Not sure what deviant behavior he indulged in but if they are guilty of these accusations him and his wife need to feel the full force of the law.

Just reinforces my belief that all pols are self serving scum.


I meant to include brennan and clapper rejoining the corrupt cesspool as part of the OP


Allegedly banging underage prostitutes in the Dominican.


I remember him being on trial a few years back and having a hung jury.

Now he’s at it again?

Need to throw the Biden family into the same investigations/prosecutions.

hes always been a crook….

i dont see anyone denying that….


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That’s just Jersey.


You ever vote for him?

Or against him for that matter?

Good question.

What sort of 3D chess is the Biden Crime Family and their Corrupt DOJ lap dogs playing here?

Going after a Democratic Senator with such a slim margin in that branch of congress??? Madness!!


He kept right on voting the last time.

And I’m quite certain the dimocrat governor would be happy to appoint another dimocrat to replace him.

His son is currently in Congress from New Jersey.

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When the two tiered Justice system argument collapse.


So then the DOJ is still corrupt and there are still one set of rules for democrats, and one for republicans?

in 2006 i cast my vote for him.

2012 and 2018 i voted for myself. (i aint stupid, i dont vote for crooks unlike trump supporters)


Pfizer should make a jab.


Yes… One indictment does not change that. He must be really corrupt and why has it taken so long to indict? Get it out of the way for the elections next year…

Even the thread title can’t say a democrat was indicted.


The keyboard would catch fire.

One? What about Hunter?