What if "The Smartest People in the Room" Were NEVER the Smartest, Only the Most Corrupt - And Corruptible? HWGA on bob menendez

This sounds familiar.

“Menendez was previously indicted in a bribery and fraud case, but the Department of Justice dropped all charges after a mistrial was declared. The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Ethics nevertheless “found that over a six-year period you [Menendez] knowingly and repeatedly accepted gifts of significant value” from a close friend and donor “without obtaining required Committee approval” and without proper disclosure.

“Additionally, while accepting these gifts, you used your position as a Member of the Senate to advance Dr. Melgen’s personal and business interests,” concluded the committee.“

Menendez says he didn’t do anything.

Everyone Loves Gifts.


And he was re-elected.


What’s the definition?


Eh , when P01135809 gets into the white House he will just get a pardon like all the other convicted politicians who got one last time around.

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Menendez won’t even get a number assigned.

What do *you * think indicted means?

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John Edwards, when it’s a dem.

Or Bob Menendez, round 1. Same outcome, he’ll skate.


You mean this guy?


Seems like he did get mug shot and I would assume the appropriate identification number like P01135809. Stands to reason that menedez will aso get one too…hence the indictment

I can’t find a mug shot of Menendez from the first time he did this and got off punishment free… I imagine it will be the same this time around.

Hell get the same punishment as Edwards and every other dem.

Trump was really the one who got this done.

Trump will get a decidedly harsher punishment than Menendez.

well lets compare the sentencing guidelines between on the charges between the two indicted fellas. also how many felonies have they each been indicted of? @safiel would be able to help us here. my amateur guess is that someone with 44 federal charges probably have larger sentencing then someone charged with 3 counts…

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One hopes a coup-plotter is judged more harshly than a bog standard corrupt pol.

Yep… Trump will face punishment. Menendez simply won’t. He’s a dem, he’s in the clear. Hell, this is a feather in his cap for getting re-elected. Twice indicted democrat in New Jersey.


“This is quintessential evidence…This is the evidence that you want if you’re trying this bribery case,” Jennifer Rogers told CNN. “You know, just to be clear in the prior case — he wasn’t cleared in the prior case, he wasn’t acquitted; It was a hung jury. And what the jury had a problem which is, that fact that they were friends, the ‘briber’ and Menendez were friends.”

“So, I think some of the jurors were convinced that when Menendez would, say, take a trip on his private plane and go to his home, which are things that could be looked at as bribes, they said, ‘well, it was because of their friendship,'” she added.“

Notice Bob McDonell isn’t being brought up in the thread, only when it was used to attack Jack Smith.

Traficant would think your certainty is probably unwarranted.

i agree, like i said Menedez is already in line for a presidential pardon by P01135809. it would fit his pattern with convicted crooked politicians, he loves them;
Duncan hunter
Chris Collins
Duke Cuningham

He won’t need to be pardoned. It won’t get close to that.

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Why would McDonnell need to be brought up? That was a successful prosecution of a Republican. Something we don’t see happen with democrats.

Besides Jesse Jackson jr, Chaka Fattah, Corrine Brown… just to name a few…