What if "The Smartest People in the Room" Were NEVER the Smartest, Only the Most Corrupt - And Corruptible? HWGA on bob menendez

It was not a “successful prosecution of a Republican”.

It was a vicious political hit job that should have never happened, in which he was only indicted for political reasons and the Supreme Court (who love accepting gifts themselves apparently) overturned it thus showing what a hack the prosecutor was.

This is now the second go around in trying to get a jury to convict on bribery charges. It was not through a lack of trying to convict Menendez.

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The bribery and honest services fraud counts each carry up to 15 years. Extortion under cover of official right carries up to 20 years. So up to 50 years total.

However, recent Supreme Court decisions make it far less likely that the honest services conviction would stand on appeal, so 35 years is the likely statutory maximum.

Under the sentencing guidelines, probably would estimate, if convicted of two counts (minus honest fraud), 10 to 15 years in prison.

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thanks for that. seems like a pretty open and shut case. dude hid money in a jacket with his name stitched. kick his ass out of the senate, lock his ass up and have the NJ governor appoint a new dem. everybody wins

William “Cold Cash” Jefferson, Anthony Wiener, Rod Blagojevich.

But let’s pause and acknowledge that it doesn’t matter to Republicans.

If Democrats are caught and prosecuted, that’s evidence of widespread corruption; when Democrats are not being prosecuted or thrown in jail, that’s . . . also evidence of criminality because argle bargle bias. Totalitarian lying is just a reflex for them.


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Yeah… he needs to resign. If not they should boot him out.

I would be surprised if they do though.


The indictment is really something. This wasn’t some vague “donate to my election fund, and I’ll help you out”-style bribery - it was straight up envelopes of cash and gold bars.

He’s going to prison.


Apparently shortly after receiving the gold bars, his Google search history indicates he searched for “how much is 1 kilo of gold worth?”

Also, the envelopes of cash (1) were found in a jacket with his name embroidered on it; and (2) had trace DNA of the alleged briber on it.

This is really something.


A Republican has no chance in NJ, so there’s no concern on that seat switching parties.

New Jersey will elect Republicans if they aren’t completely batty.

They elected Chris Christie a couple of times.


Christine Todd Whitman, too.


When was the last time NJ elected an Republican for the Senate? Look it up.

more calls from the democratic side.

Republicans have won NJ Statewide elections.

It is possible for the GOP to win in NJ if they aren’t complete weirdos.

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Who prosecuted McDonnell again?

Bob Menendez is looking at Ken Paxton right now and thinking, “Man, I wish I was a Republican.”


And also looking at Santos.


So, not really discussed to this point…

What should be done about the egyptians?

Buying our elected officials should be punished pretty severely.