What if "The Smartest People in the Room" Were NEVER the Smartest, Only the Most Corrupt - And Corruptible? HWGA on bob menendez

Yeah… agreed.

Menendez needs to go.

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The same laws apply both ways. The buyer, and the buyee.

Well, this fits. lol

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he wasnt punished becuase he wasnt found guilty. (hung jury)

see how that works.

same thing will happen to trump if the jury hangs.

no punishment.


He’s not stepping down. He’s not going anywhere. He’ll get re-elected.

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I wasn’t talking about the couple of egyptian guys doing the bribing.

I was talking about the country.

Egypt tried to buy our politician. There should be a severe price.

I agree.

Damn. I want a kilo gold bar!

Ken Paxton says ‘Hello!’

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So it’s cool with Menendez. Sweet.

If Menendez gets kicked out of Congress, convicted in court and goes to prison will you still be mad?

I’m fine with waiting until after he has his day in court

Nah: it’ll just go down the memory hole, like all the other examples in this thread of democratic politicians getting in trouble, and they’ll continue to whine about the two tier justice system.

Like no one was prosecuted for any of the 2020 riots.


Ah. Good one!

I’ve been here long enough to verify: some version of “THE REF’S ARE AGAINST” is a tactic, not an actual problem the right wants addressed, or even a thing that responds to objective reality. It goes back at least 60 years. Any purportedly or aspiring or even incidentally non-partisan evaluations or empirical judgments must be discredited. The consumer market. Media. Courts. CBO scores. Medical science. Unemployment numbers. Basic arithmetic. If you wreck every clock and watch, do you know what time it is? Whatever we say it is.


Democrat values?

Well said.

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Maybe you can explain the lack of accountability for the 4 times disproven and discredited “russian collusion” hoax.

The perpetrators of that nonsense did far more to interfere with "official government functions " than any J6er ever could have dreamed about.

Not a single day of jail time.

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Where did I say that?

He’s got to go. 100%.