What has Biden done so far for unity?

Nope just calls us dog faced and tells us we are liars and we need to shut up.

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Might want to ask an XL Pipeline certified welder that just lost a six figure job this week, doesn’t have a job to go to Monday and has been told a “high paying union job” making solar panels is “a better option”. The hourly rate is less than half and nobody seems to know the name of these companies hiring the tens of thousands of former energy workers.
I’ll bet you can get a good “unity” answer out of those people.


The pendulum always swings back around, at this pace I would imagine midterms will be their usual put back in check election.

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The pendulum always swings back around.

Not in a single-party state. The pendulum has shattered.

Maybe Republicans should modify their platform to attract more voters? Just spitballing here.

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Not going to happen he can mull it all he wants he will need to win more senate seats, Manchin and the senator from Montana have both said no to that Manchin’s was a much firmer no. Unless of course Joe passed and EO that dissolves the senate which at the way they are going with EO’s I wouldn’t rule it out.

Bingo. Just like Obama said … “they can come along for the ride, but they’re gunna have to sit in the back of the bus.”


Well he has unified the opposition that was fractured, there is that.

Niiiiiiiice…so you regurgibleat something from the year 2015. Are you ready, he wasn’t the POTUS then and this wasn’t his directive when he was.

Liz Cheney et al would like a word.

Wow…you must have pulled something twisting into a pretzel like that… lol. I guess all those court cases were over a ban that never happened then…


No pretzel here but…I was there and observed the left twisting what Trump did, which was implementing what President Obama was looking at doing prior to leaving office…into their pretzel. That’s why the article you posted showed where an appeals court overturned the lower court’s left leaning ruling.

A federal appeals court has ordered a lower court to dismiss legal challenges to President Donald Trump’s 3-year-old ban on travelers from predominantly Muslim countries. This was “twisted” into sheople regurgibleating what they were fed, that Trump banned Muslims and you’re still doing it but thanks for the article.


It means compromise, not trumpism.


Correction…bidenism means my way or ■■■■ you.


I would ask him why he’s not seeking another welding job, rather than making a career move outside of his skill set.

I’d then ask the others why they can’t take their CMVs to another job site.

The ones that are left will get a pay raise moving to solar.

He’s been president for what? A week?

Lol. The drama.

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My advice then…stay away from train tracks cuz you’ll never see one coming. :sunglasses:

Sure thing.

Unity means do what Republicans want you to do. Fascinating.

What does unity even mean?