What has Biden done so far for unity?

He didn’t do a damn thing for unity. Now we get four years of Democrats punching back and taking the rest of us down for it.

You forgot his speech after his little escalator ride, that really bought Hispanics in didn’t it? How about the Muslim ban, very inclusive right? “Fine people on both sides”…“Press is the enemy of the people”…Do I need to go on?..He thrived on division, its his thing.

Not call Republicans “Human Scum”

Not tell brown US born people to “go back to your country”

Uh let’s start there

How else do you unify people - with hate and intolerance?

Biden and the Democrats openly despise 75 million Americans. He has no interest in even deporting violent criminals that actually hurt American citizens, rescinded executive orders that lowered the price of insulin, and ushered in a climate change agenda will decimate the energy sector. Those are outright acts of hatred.


He didn’t ban Muslims but…that’s what the sheople were fed and what you just regurgibleated. Then he condemned the violence on both sides in Charlottesville but the sheople troughs only pointed out the one side…like what you just regurgibleated. There’s two examples that you just regurgibleated proving that yes, the presss is the enemy of the people. If you continue to go on, I hope you’ll take a deep breath and begin thinking for yourself and not regurgibleating what the media is feeding? That’s where the division is coming from. Those that think for themselves…didn’t appreciate a lot of what Trump said but he did many things that were excellent and due to our political system, you have to choose between Tweedle dum or Tweedle dee and sometimes neither one is the eagle scout you’d actually prefer?


Nothing says unity like a bunch of EO’s that are offensive to nearly half the country without debate or compromise.


As if COVID shut downs weren’t enough, he just had to start wrecking the economy first thing off the bat.


Why are they offensive to half the country?

Responsible human being in the office is literally all
I wanted. Someone who doesn’t see themselves as bigger than the office.

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Hmmm…Not sure he agrees with you.

I agree with that. It’s the people he surrounds himself that DO see themselves as bigger than the office that are the issue.

You don’t unify people.

I just thought it was sweet.

The right are angry with Biden’s EO. That means the EO are good for the country.

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That’s. . .vague at best.

Well, one calls for not enforcing our laws on immigration that were voted on by Congress. Biden swore to enforce our laws. He lied and falsified his oath. He should be impeached more than Trump.

And then there is the economic disaster of ending a work in process pipeline.

A lot of reasonable people will find these offensive on his part.

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They’re good for Democrats.

So most of America.

Trumps gone. I know its tuff but it is time to look at the new idiot in charge. Seems to me that jbiden is the one that has the country in this state. Now tell us what is jbiden doing to unify the country? All I see him doing is spreading the hate.

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