What happens when you reduce police presence?

She just went in and helped herself to something that wasn’t hers.

Apparently, that’s okay these days.

Because, as opposed to unions in private companies, the people funding government unions don’t get a seat at the negotiation table. They just get stuck with the bill.

Hell, even FDR, a massive progressive, was against public sector unions.

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OK then lets check out your past :wink:

Keep in mind it was you that brought up democrat plantation in these links first.

All 4 times it was you that brought the subject up first.


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Or crime goes down as detailed below

Reported crime.

And everyone of those posts refers to it as conservative mantra. I wonder why. If i have permission from the mods @SixFoot or @GWH or @WuWei, I can post the search results.

That’s just yours. :slight_smile:

How about you both agree to disagree and get back to discussing what happens when police presence is reduced?

okie got it

Yes…posters past comment should be fair game.

As for “conservative mantra”? Libs here brought it up just as much as the right does.

Nah i think it can be solved by white conservatives repeating the term democratic plantation.

Context doesn’t matter. :wink:


2 times in 2 years…and one of them (2nd one) was my reply. :rofl:

Let it go please.

I don’t think reducing Police presence is a bad thing, honestly.

I just think Police need to do stuff that Police are supposed to do.

Back in the day, we had facilities for the mentally ill. We had housing for poor people. We took care of our folks.

But right now, the mentally ill are more likely jailed than institutionalized. Why are Police expected to be the primary arbiter and provider of mental health services? Why are Police required to be the providers of crisis management and family disturbances? They have to deal with broken homes and truant kids, school disturbances and substance abuse.

Because we put all of this on them, and without the training necessary to do it right, they are burdened and overused. A huge chunk of city money and resources go to the Police department because they are seemingly doing it all.

But what if we took all that money we give them and instead provide it to qualified mental health providers? Substance abuse councillors and facilities? Housing for the poor and job training for the destitute?

And let the Police do what they are trained to do, be Policemen?

Unless we stop making everything illegal, they are.

I agree with that as well. The war on drugs was a tragic mistake. And it disproportionately hurt the African American communities.

Disbanded doesn’t mean no police, just the opposite in fact, they fired all the union cops and hired twice as many non union cops with the same money.

Easy when there isn’t an entity to report crime to.

That’s not unique to police unions.

That’s the goal … if there is nobody to report it to, there is no crime reported.


The war on drugs goes back nearly 100 years. It’s a copout to blame the policing problems that we see today on that.

Maybe the African American community shouldn’t have demanded it then.


Here is problem.

People broke into our jobsite and stolen about 2500 dollars worth of tools. We even had complete hand prints.

After about 2 hours the cop finally came out. Spent 2 minutes at most there. He basically told us to call our insurance company and left.

But if you pass off a 20 dollar bill whether knowing or not…police rush there in attempt to be first to respond.
