What happens when you reduce police presence?

When it is done in poor minority neighborhoods violent crime increases. In other words, black lives are ended. You know this, right? So defunding the police will cause an increase in the death rate of black folks. And you are okay with this? It’s a good idea?

Will there be an increase death rate in white folks?

Quite possibly … if the criminals who now terrorize the poor minority neighborhoods decide that the pickins are ripe in the rich neighborhoods because of the downsizing of the cop force. Why kill poor black people when killing rich white folks is more profitable?

Shouldn’t everyone just buy guns then?


Yes. And shoot to kill. Eventually, either the bad guys wise up or you run out of bad guys.

And because there are no cops, they won’t come and take your gun away and arrest you for defending yourself.


Why single out white folks?

No. Liberals hate guns.

The arrogance of this whole thing is overwhelming. Rich, elite liberals deciding what’s best for the hood. As if they’ve ever spent a minute of their time in the hood.


Wouldn’t be surprised if before long no one would want to be a policeman in this environment. Good thing I can protect myself.

Geographical. Cops are still very much welcome and appreciated in many places. Not many cop haters and broad brushes in my neck of the woods.

I don’t hate cops. In most cases, I’m sympathetic to them. They have a hard job that’s difficult to handle.

There are aspects of police culture that need to be reformed. Ironically, the biggest one for me is something that the inner city black community needs to reform as well.

The tribe mentality about “snitching.” Cops protect each other, even when it’s underserved. The inner city black community does the same thing. They won’t rat out the criminal elements.


The same liberals that want to defund the police are the same ones that don’t want citizens owning their own firearms for defense.


Blaming all police for the actions of a few is not materially different than blaming all black people for the actions of some black people. Police brutality is an individual crime, not a systemic one or one endemic to police. Every profession has a percentage of criminals within it. Just like society at large. Plenty of good cops out there that hate what Cauvin did.

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Oh and, looks like everyone did buy guns, sales spiked 80 percent when the rioting started.

I agree with that. But some places it’s pretty bad. Guns sales up all over. Even in my small town, people don’t really feel safe from this craziness.

I mean i know you guys think that Reagan was the greatest thing since sliced bread but what’s with the 80s robocop and escape from New York fantasies?


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What craziness are they afraid of?

Baltimore. You need look no further than Baltimore.

After the Freddie Grey incident the cops back off on proactive policing. Far fewer traffic stops, no stop and frisks, no enforcement of open air drug dealing like Freddie Grey was doing.

The result was a massive spike in the murder rate (nearly all black suspects and victims) and violent crimes (again nearly all black suspects and victims).

What happened in Baltimore is about to happen nationwide in all these cities that have been rioting.

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Umm Baltimore? Lol. Are you joking. David Simon made a show about it in the early aughts when Freddie Gray was a preteen