What Happened to this Country?

doom and gloom is all that rally American to the voters both sadly.

I disagree. 2000 mules.

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2000 Mules is propaganda. There is not one scene in that movie that shows election fraud.
Get over it.

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Central government has a specific meaning in this context.

Not a nice try.

I disagree.

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That what she :venezuela: said.

Well he did get us up to seven wars, quite the accomplishment and stimulated the economy. Biden says hold my beer… Not sure how good nuclear war will be for the ole gdp though.


economic growth 8 straight years under Obama.

remind me again who was POTUS during the recession of 2020?


No, that answer is propaganda.


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If you lived in an area Obama targeted to ruin the economy, it was a horrible time. He targeted American energy, just like Biden is now. Those areas had a terrible time economically, for no good reason. I live near WV, he was so bad for them they voted for a prisoner IN PRISON at the time over Obama. HE HURT US.

Just like the democrats are hurting us all now, because they are doubling down on destroying American energy. It’s one of the main reasons we have inflation, along with overspending & money printing.

Obama, Biden, & most democrats in congress are evil. They hurt the poor the most. Evil.

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What recession in 2020?

The dem party has changed. Now they are radicals. So the “good times” were a result of having more common sense than this current crop.


west virginia has low tech (coal) resources. they also floundered under trump. its not a growth industry.


sme radicals, they also have old time moderates like manchin.


The specific meaning being “federal government”?

15 counties try to flee Oregon to Idaho.

I hear several Maryland counties also want to defect to West Virginia.


Amazing. You seem to forget who controlled the purse strings for all but the first two years of the “before Trump” president.

The right does it too. But folks in general like to attribute spending to the president when it’s not his purview. But it’s how we end up with all the Clinton cut the Deficit BS.

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I do remember. I am a lib. I like government spending

Great. Go chart out the times the “economy was great” or “it sucked” by who controlled the budget.

Why would that be the primary indicator?