What Happened to this Country?

It isn’t Democrats per se, but rather it would seem that, if one judges by the fruit their lives are displaying, a great many people have either been turned over to depraved minds because they have refused to retain the knowledge of the Lord or they are following blind guides who have been so turned over.

These are not just Democrats.

Still, what the Democratic party has become and is becoming still is a consequence, not the cause, of those calling the dance potentially coming under wrath. I would like to opine the RNC is much better but when have they ever rolled back what Democrats do?

There was a time when Christ said some hard things that his hearers could not bear to hear, resulting in many who had been following Him ceasing to follow anymore. He then turned to the twelve and asked if they would leave too and Peter’s reply was “to whom shall we go, you have the words of eternal life?”

In our time the hard things people cannot bear to be told are much more visceral and anything but theological, such men can’t be women or don’t kill your own offspring.

The advocacies of many folks should be seen as a warning, a sign of what is happening to them and in the society.

What Spurgeon once is supposed to have said is now more true than ever: “The present age is so flippant that is a man loves the Savior he is a fanatic and if he hates the powers of evil he is a bigot.”

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Ko-wrekt. The founders’ term. There is nothing “federal” about this government.

This current crop of democrats is nuts…

Seriously insane.

They cannot be negotiated with despite their occasional empty sounding speeches about democracy.

I m sorry but it’s a major mistake to assume the leadership of these lunatics has anything but I’ll intentions for anyone who fails to walk their line…

These people must be defeated. Again, and again.


Luckily they have staked out insane positions they have to defend. They are toast electorally. I mean, the state can take your kid if you don’t affirm their gender delusion? Anyone see Americans standing for that one?


Then add inflation and nuclear war yikes


The positions liberals on this very forum advocate daily…

Your kid’s teacher thinks your kid wants to change his/her sex. The school doesn’t have to tell you. That’s insane.

Abortion up until birth. That’s murder.

We all need to drive an EV. No, we don’t. We don’t all agree with your nutso climate change nonsense…The world runs on Fossil fuels.

Inflation, unaffordable energy costs, a non existent southern border…All policy decisions the current democrat party has adopted at the expense of the American people.

I refuse to assume that democrats, especially the ones at the upper level in WA DC are anything other than power hungry frauds…It’s time to stop treating them as reasonable adversaries …They need to be defeated.


My nephew in 1st grade came home one day and asked him mom: “Mom, am I a girl?”. His mom said no, who where did you get that idea? He said his teachers told him he is a girl.

She told him to tell them he is a boy. Later, he told his mom they keep telling him he’s a girl. He didn’t want to be a girl. This is a small town (5000 people) school in the country. Grooming is everywhere. They was afraid to confront the school, that they might be accused of some crazy abuse. They moved to another town…

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People shouldn’t be feeling like they need to leave their lives just to get away from the kooks.


2000 Mules has zero evidence to support it.

It’s Dinesh taking your money and trolling you while he does it.

Yeah, I totally believe that this happened🙄


Oh there is even worse but you can’t believe it? Watch this horror show.

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Yes, this totally unrelated story proves the poster’s anecdote to be true. :roll_eyes:


Boring, np I will settle for democrats total destruction in the mids, doesn’t matter if you believe any of it is real, voters know it is and your guys are toast, bye Felicia

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I love a good flounce

Flouncing requires me to leave, still here.

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How are you feeling about Biden enforcing title 42 against Venezuelans after Biden excoriating Trump for doing it by the way? Just curious


Okay, well . . . maybe it has changed . . . a little.
It’s not like we never had cults before. Cults aren’t all that new.




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At 5-10 seconds in you begin to see this is not just 100-200 people.
The crowd is huge.

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Straight up cult

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