What happened to Joe Biden ending/shutting down the virus?

That old crow Biden just had the gall to say COVID is NOW too political.

That dirt dealing rat started it during the campaign and now he can’t handle it…with a fawning press.


I think we’d have all been better off if it was never politicized. I’ve done my best, but some things are too egregious to ignore.

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Can’t stop the common cold either (also a coronavirus). :man_shrugging:

This president is the single most dishonest failure Of our lifetimes…

Biden by his own election year pronouncements is both a racist and xenophobe… and should resign as more people have died under his failed leadership than under Trump.

You libs had enough yet?

Come on man. You are going blame Biden for people refusing to take vaccine?

That’s dumb.

I remember when Biden ran for President he said the future of the pandemic rests solely with the willingness of people to take the vaccine, not with whoever is President. Oh, wait, no I don’t. It was more like Trump is killing people but I have a plan to end the pandemic. So he either failed or got elected through fraud, or both.


That’s sad. Owning Biden by not getting vax and dying?

Nobody wins in that scenario.

Anyone want to disagree on the statements made in the article?

You mistakenly posted that under my post as if there were some relationship.


Trump: "go jump in a river "

Progs: “and then he ordered the poor man to execute himself by drowning”


Not me. Biden dug his own hole.

It was a stupid move.

We know what he lied about.

Suckers and losers.

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Have you noticed that there’s no more “here’s how many people died “ ticker?


All three people so far identified as infected with the omicron variant were vaccinated. There are no breakthrough cases imho after the delta variant. The vaccine seems to help the majority of people have milder symptoms but they still get infected and pass it on. Each variant including the new one gets a little more past the vaccine.

What should worry people is a few variants down the road the vaccine becomes useless when that happens I am afraid mask mandates will be enforced as the last level of defense against covid.

I don’t see the relevance to the OP being that the language is very different. Promising to “get the virus under control” (which is a very vague statement with flexible meanings) is not the same as emphatically stating that he was going to end/shutdown the virus!

And I don’t understand the criticism of something that Biden said before Delta knocked everything sideways. And as the article points out, Biden anticipated more folks vaccinated then what has actually happened. Threads like this are nothing more then another chance to bash Biden.

Hilarious! Just make up an escape hatch for biden.

Let me ask you this though, if Delta was such a game-changer, why no lockdowns?? The “experts” recommended trump issue lockdowns, now you’re suggesting all of biden’s failures can be excused because it was a different virus that caused an equal amount of damage…

Why no lockdowns??


Oh, and maybe he shouldn’t have said anything if he wasn’t aware that viruses cause variants over time.

I guess he really had no plan, like I’ve been saying.

three posts in and youre already attacking posters personally

how about addressing the op for once. how biden slung ■■■■■■■■ so knuckleheads would for him and then has epically failed

the press ignores it but thats to be expected. dont you see it?

I think this pretty much says it all.