What Do You Think of Gorsuch's Assessment of US History

Many cities and states already ban AR-15’s. Why have you not gotten your panties in a bunch over that?

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Maybe the parents and school decided there are better books to read. Now why are you not throwing a fit over all the states and cites that have banned AR15’s. I have not seen you throwing a fit because some of the dr seuss books are no longer in school libraries.

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Gorsuch sounds like the typical modern conservative, a rabid victim, completely lacking in the slightest whiff of historical context, unable to see past the tip of his entitled nose and awaiting the applause from a whole world of “content creators”. Not a serious person. A clown. Perverted and sick.


Do state governments ban your favored book from private schools, or do they just decide not to use it in their own libraries?
In your analogy, if a city ran a gun store but decided they would not carry AR15s, that is not banning that gun. If they say private gun stores cannot carry AR15s, that is banning.

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I read what he wrote.
I read what you just wrote.
No comment.


School libraries banning books is a never ending seesaw. Have any books been removed or edited anywhere because of the need to “modernize” them to current standards with regards to say race?

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But anyway gorsuch much like the rest of us is a victim of viewing the world through the prism of the now. Right now this is the biggest violation. In comparison? I don’t agree.

Lol Doug.

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With a little perspective, this whole argument turned on a matter of definition: what is a “ban”.

The posters who disagreed with me have defined ban as a total elimination of the book – or whatever else might be banned, whereas I saw a concerted nationwide effort to eliminate something as a ban.

I don’t think those who disagreed with are truly serious about their definition. There has been so much outrage about “cancelling” when conservative speakers have been prevented from speaking on some college campuses or when social media have restricted content or dismissed conservative speakers. Yet in those instances, those speakers have many campuses and social media outlets where they can still speak out.

If I say that these books were cancelled, but not banned, can we all agree on that choice of words?

If we cannot, then the objections to my claim of a ban aren’t serious, but are just noise trying to swarm a concern about free speech.

That’s it right there. Insisting on narrow definitons is an age old debate technique. The books were banned, they know the books were banned, and they also know it’s not a good look. So: poof! Turns out the books weren’t banned after all, because it’s only a ban if the book is removed from both space and time.


Most woke libs (c) are upset that LGBTQ propaganda books are being pulled from many school libraries.

Books that help poison the minds of children should be pulled imo.


Wordy words are hard, like basic math. :wink:


Good Lord. It’s like playing cards with my sister’s kids.

Not if I could check out an AR from the public armory or have Amazon put one on my back porch in two days.

Which city banned a book?


School libraries. Government school libraries. For little kids.

School libraries should allow every edition of Playboy. The complete set. Mandatory.


You are not smarter than Ephor Goresuch.


Your redefinition of “ban.”


Critical Theory back.

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Don’t be preposterous

to prohibit especially by legal means
ban discrimination
Is smoking banned in all public buildings?

also : to prohibit the use, performance, or distribution of
ban a book

Lol I’m not wealthy entitled elite like the Black Robed Gorsuch.

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