What Do You Think of Gorsuch's Assessment of US History

That is quite simply false. You are a victim.

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Somebody has to decide what books they are going to buy. If they decide not to buy the book that you want them to select, that is not banning.

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It isn’t banned from libraries. Go check it out.


Not one book has been banned. You can go to any library or bookstore and buy whatever book you want. Stop spreading fake news.


It is banned from some libraries and there is a nationwide effort to drive this book out of the schools.

By your definition million if not billions of books are banned because they are not at your library.


That’s not the definition of banned.

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Not what I said at all, but you haven’t paid any attention to what I’ve been saying so I am not surprised.

While we not on the topic, do you agree with Gorsuch’s view of history, which is the topic of this thread.

Just googled it. You can buy the book on amazon for 7.99. Stop spreading fake news.


Ah… schools! Now I see!



“A ban is a formal or informal prohibition of something. Bans are formed for the prohibition of activities within a certain political territory.”

If the shoe fits.

It is exactly what you said

But not surprised you need to deflect to me.

Clown shoes fit pretty much everybody. :clown_face:

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Thought you said the book was banned.

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Not sure he knows the definition


No that is not banning. School libraries do not carry every book written. Stop spreading fake news.


It has been taken out of school libraries in many jurisdictions.

I take it if a city were to prevent sales of AR-15’s you would have no problem with that because it still would possible to get it in many other places. Of course you wouldn’t

Libraries are being forced to remove books they have selected to satisfy a narrow political agenda. That is banning.

Can you explain why conservatives are demanding that this book be removed from school libraries?

It doesn’t.