What do leftists have against rural people?

Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, and Lin Piao were the military guys. If the Japanese hadn’t saved him in 1937, Mao would have died in a ditch like Checito.

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Depends on the reason and type of medical care.

“…but want access to a woman’s womb.”

Pot meet kettle. There are so many who fit that description in the northeastern states I feel as if I’m in a big coffee lounge.

Here’s white liberals’ beloved “woman’s freedom to choose”:


Oh, and here’s the “women” who forced it onto the Democratic Party platform, one of whom came to deeply regret his involvement in the pro “choice” movement:

Here’s more coercion with regards to Downs Syndrome infants:

Pot meet kettle.

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I don’t think that abortion claim is true. We mostly don’t talk about it among each other. And while I’m sure everyone has their own opinion on it, I doubt the women who have them are discussing it in town.

I think the objection is more along the lines of government paying for it and probably having them over and over.

Of course it depends on what you guys are calling “rural”. Town folks tend to be more gossipy.

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Perceptions and stereotypes, IMO.

Works in the opposite direction as well.

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I’m really not trying to turn this thread into an abortion debate. But I will say your first link sounds like something out of the annals of ■■■■■■■■ As for the last one, I actually agree with the mother; disabled children shouldn’t be discarded and they are as valuable as a normal child. HOWEVER that doesn’t mean we should ban the ■■■■■■■ test that can identify a baby with downs syndrome.


I’d include towns as rural. Having visited corning iowa; it’s not exactly the sticks as it has a population in the few thousands, but that place is rural as hell.

If we lived closer just to wait hours for actual emergency care while indigent get seen for follow up visits, we’d have better outcomes?

Sorry, can’t agree. If one actually is in a condition to need emergency care, the only way they will get seen is being brought in by ambulance, whether that hospital is close to them or not.


You are setting up a false choice in order to justify having to travel farther for care which overall leads to worse health results for the community.

It’s weird.

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Of course you would.

The big-city elites have made fortunes from foreign trade and finance while the factory workers have seen their jobs disappear. The billionaires in Silicon Valley would much prefer to hire people on H-1B visas than Americans.

The attitudes is illustrated by Peter Strzok’s comment about “smelling the Trump support” when he went to a Walmart in southern Virginia.

Similar attitudes exist in Britain where the snobs in London look down on the rest of the country for supporting Brexit.


Remind us again where Trumps clothing line is made…And where Ivanka Trump got trademarks after daddy was elected.

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It also keeps populous states from walking all over flyover country.

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What false choice is that?

The E R has been used as a one stop shop for indigent patients for awhile now, delaying care for those actually in need. I actually did wait for several hours for care in one of these places.

Read reviews for any hospitals recently? Massachusetts General Hospital has an average rating of 3 stars out of 5. Are these reviewers using a “false choice”, too?

Here’s a look at inappropriate use of emergency departments and how it affects patient care. Them, too?

Really maybe that is one aspect of rural residents to those who live in urban areas that the urban residents don’t like. We’re not as likely to place blind trust in the institutions they do.

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They are very good at branding.

“The billionaires in Silicon Valley would much orefer to hire people on H-1B visas than Americans.”

Maybe they would. But, IIRC they legally must advertise those jobs to Americans first.

And they must attest that they won’t pay H-1B visa holders less than Americans should they not find workers as qualified locally:

H-1B Program | U.S. Department of Labor.

The law was ignored when Obama-Biden ran things. Here is one example:


“This seems to be strictly a leftist sentiment.”

Here’s Malcolm Little’s take on the liberals:

Could it be the leftists in the cities have a disdain for rural residents because they come right out & express their contempt for various individuals & issues rather than cloaking it in such terms as “diversity”, “tolerance”, & “a woman’s freedom to choose”?

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There are more to hospitals than ER’s.

This also isn’t about “blind trust in institutions”, it is about infrastructure.

Trademarks don’t mean anything in this context.

In this one they do.