What distinguishes Black Americans who have attained success to those who have not?

It’s not your opinion, it’s the law with minor variations. They are taught to do that. It’s consistent no matter where you go.

If you watch the youtube videos of ID refusals, when they are challenged on “why?”, their explanations are both absurd and sad. One common one is, “How do I know you’re not a felon?” Amazing.

It’s not their fault, we got scared.


That’s what happens when you rely on someone else for safety, you are now at their mercy.


Safety, security, order…

Actually there are plenty of black and Latinos in NJ who are significantly under performing every other ethnic group. Go read about the school desegregation lawsuit going on in NJ that will likely really open some eyes on the situation in a northern very liberal state.

What distinguishes their ability to accomplish what they have compared to other black Americans?

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Assuming the most prosperous are living up north?

Gee, that’s odd. The first black American billionaire, who formed her own product line for black women, cane from Louisiana.


Regarding my OP though, what difference would something like location make? In other words, are there no black Americans other than the North or Coastal states who have attained success? Also, I’m not just talking about those who are wealthy but also those who are middle and upper middle class.

As some one who grew up in an inner city and who has been in education I can tell you that part of the reason black Americans have lagged behind is that a good part of success in America is the willingness to conform to the economic system, which ties back to education. The education system says that you are to sit quietly in classes, listen to your teachers and learn the information that the system says you should learn. It does not matter if you find the information boring, see no practical value of the information or have any interest in it. The fact is that many black Americans do not wish to conform to this education system and as a result have lost out over the past few decades of getting many middle/upper middle class jobs. So part of the problem is a poorly constructed education system that also is largely a product of liberalism.

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and some blacks stayed in the south and prospered from other blacks

I do not think geography can pick and choose where blacks will be successful or not.

Isn’t Your wife is black? Wow

Her business prospered in the north however

sure is, she can’t stand al or jesse either.

but she’s got a real thing for dick cheney

Cool, but about that plantation thing…

what about it?

I remember watching a documentary on her. What an amazing story!

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Here is a history of African migrations in the U S

Clearly not all have chosen to live in the northeast as industrial jobs aren’t as plenty and housing prices have risen.

Many black Americans have family ties to southern states, part of the reason for choosing to migrate there.

I’m willing to bet more black Americans are impoverished by growing up in households of unwed mothers, and less black Americans who are married and raising children in a two parent, two income household meet guidelines for poverty.

Unlike the article’s author, though, I don’t blame welfare programs, but a feminist movement that sought to destigmatize outbof wedlock parenthood.

The breakup of the family and a culture of dependency on gov’t keep people in poverty.

Immigrants for the most part come here with a drive and will to succeed and a willingness to work hard to make something of themselves.

If your theory is correct, one has to wonder why any blacks live in the south.