What Did That Idiot pelosi Admit to Last Night on 60 Minutes?

Greatest threat to western democracy!

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Putin is not the only head of state that will notice this. I know you all have been going on with some unsupported collusion conspiracy theory for going on three years, but other heads of state are also going to be negatively impacted the same way.
Trump had not option other than to release that memo. Are you pretending that Democrats wouldn’t have been going after it endlessly if he had not, and implying it undoubtedly supported everything in that hearsay whistle blower report?

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The irony out of this is we might for the first time in history elect a Cherokee Indian as president.

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Is what Trump did on the call with Zelensky okay with you? Is what his administration did in hiding the transcript on a code-word server okay with you?

Trump sought a foreign leader’s help to create trouble for Biden.


Either he did it in high minded pursuit of justice or because Joe is leading in the polls.

Let’s not worry about Pelosi, Graham, Schiff, the whistleblower, the press or anyone else.

He did it. The question is why.

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Part fact, part conjecture.

By your own admission

He did it. The question is why.

Trump does not ask my permission and I do not sit …
Never mind. If you don’t think it was ok, just say so . I’ll say what I approve of and dont when I so choose and when I have seen enough facts.
If I want to.

They need you to agree with them.


Is what Trump did on the call with Zelensky okay with you? Is what his administration did in hiding the transcript on a code-word server okay with you?

I know for a fact it was not okay. IT IS WRONG! Where do you stand here?

It did result in a nothing report from the Ukraine.

The motives of what he did were open in plain sight and reported on widely at the time…to anyone who was paying attention.

No assumptions need be made.

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Remember when the real issue, the big one, was the Trump administration blocking the whistle blower report?

“The administration is keeping Congress from even learning what exactly the whistleblower is alleging, but the intelligence community’s inspector general says the matter involves the “most significant” responsibilities of intelligence leadership. One report said it involved a promise Trump made in a phone call to a foreign leader. A lawmaker said the complaint was “based on a series of events.””
(From “Fortune” online, 9/20/2019)

And then this turned out to be pure fantasy. It was professional career people at the OLC who were holding up the report.
Of course, Democrats went ahead and imagined Trump raging at releasing the report and…boy, impeachable.

So now we are required to express opinions based on any imaginings of facts they may have? I don’t think so.

P.S. Still waiting for that promise Trump made to a foreign leader WashPo told us about.


Of course he did.

He was carrying out US policy.

Carrot and stick diplomacy has been going on since humans first started forming social groups.

Nothing “nefarious” about it.

Ah yes!

The totally trustworthy Office of Legal Counsel…who are accountable to no one and whose rulings are often kept completely secret.

And the rulings we know about in no ways paints the office in as flattering a light as Doug would have us believe, as this Slate article nicely points out (it also points out that AG Barr at one time headed the OLC…what do you know about that?)

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I said nothing of July.


You all need an orchestra of “whistle-blowers” to get that kind of information.

And, russia, russia, russia.


I’d love to just say, ■■■■ it, let’s see all of obama’s conversations!

But nope. I’m not going down that road.


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I’m going to go out on a limb and answer “yes” to both questions.



Everyone and their brother already knew where you stand here. ORANGE MAN GOD!!!

I’m interested in what Doug’s opinion is, because I don’t believe he feels the same way as some here regarding the #SecondComing

Hunter Biden sought a corrupt market for trouble for Joe Biden.

Biden got brow beat into running and is being shown the door…unfurtunately the scheme called for Trump to join him, but he released the transcript and did not do what their operatives assured them he did.

Uh-Oh orange man win again.
