What are your favorite policies being touted by you preferred candidate for November?

Why are you Libs whining about Russia? Obama told us the cold war was over and told Mitt Romney, who said Russia was our biggest geo political threat, “The 1980s called and want their foreign policy back.” If I recall Joe Biden was VP then. Then of course, they loaded up 150 billion dollars cash on pallets and dropped them off in Iran so they could use that money to sponsor terrorism to kill Americans!

By all means, let’s put that clown in charge of our foreign policy…

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You do know that Russia is basically run by the mob with Putin at the top… right?

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Mitt Romney was right. Obama was wrong. I have no problem saying hat.

What is strange is some insisting that Russia is great and should be rewarded.

That the “adult” thing to do is to give them more influence on the world stage in exchange for a absolutely nothing.


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So, That’s an internal matter between the Russian Government and her Citizens, Almost everytime we muck about the internal matters of another country, we make a bigger mess than we tried to clean up. We should have left Afghanistan after Killing Bin Laden, we should have left Iraq after the first election, we should have never provided weapons to "Syrian Rebels"and we should not have bombed Libya back into the middle ages.

There is a wide gulf between what you described as leaving them alone and actively rewarding terrible behavior

I don’t think Russia is great, but there’s a saying “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” Putin is a player on the world stage whether we like him or not. Sometimes you have to deal with thugs when you’d rather pound them into the dirt. Knowing when to pound and when to deal- that’s diplomacy. The former administration, which Biden was part of, didn’t even recognize or acknowledge the Russian threat and then gave 150 billion dollars cash to an outright enemy. I have to go with Trump on this… Biden will be a disaster at foreign policy.

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Proposing to give Russia and Putin back influence on the world stage while they are becoming increasingly belligerent is absolutely bonkers.

It is not what “adults” would do.

I do know Putin’s at the top. I’m not well up on Russian politics, and certainly wouldn’t just take some posters word on who runs Russia behind the scenes.

Regardless, your parry has nothing to do with the post you are responding to.

Really? The big reason to vote Democrat is so we can have worse relations with the second biggest nuclear power on earth?

What influence would Rusia have from being included in a G8?

The idea that the Kremlin is being framed for poisoning political rivals of Putin is bonkers. It does not line up with reality.

That is why I answering that Russia is run by the mob. There is no disconnect between the two.

It is really foolish to defend their actions or reward them for bad behavior

They get a seat at the big boy table.

They shouldn’t have it back for free.

Did you just say new wars are preferable to… anything?

Why not? They are a big boy.


The three big boys. Two out of the three need to have a little better relations to calm chaos.


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Low taxes and regulation brings peace and prosperity…

That’s why Trump is Cool. Dems have no policy they can debate because it’s failed where ever it’s tried. They still think rent control helps the poor…lol!

I know Biden’s and the Dems’ pick.

China and the US.

Chi-NA unleashed a plague upon the world.

This is a window into the leftist globalist mind. There are seats that they think of as important and powerful and they are to be coveted and occupied only by people of whom we approve. The perception and pretense of power are leftist, globalist drugs.

They already have influence. What part of that do you not understand or believe? Would letting Russia back into the G7 bring good or bad results for America? Would PRETENDING to want to let Russia back into the G7 bring good or bad results for America? Would letting Russia back into the G7 on a probationary condition bring good or bad results for America? I don’t know. Do you?