What are your favorite policies being touted by you preferred candidate for November?

This makes zero sense.

Things like the G7 were built by the US for the benefit of the US.

I just can’t wrap my head around the insane argument that not allowing Russia back into the G7 is somehow “globalist”

It’s like the word has lost all meaning.

Russia wants it.

Why should they have it for free?

That is terrible negotiation

How do you know it’s free?

BTW, what exactly did Obama get from Cuba again? :thinking: Oh yeah, He got left standing at the airport looking like an idiot in front of the world after getting bitch slapped by Raoul Castro, who apparently was too busy to meet his benefactor personally, The President of the United States…

What a masterful negotiator that Obama was!.. :roll_eyes:

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But don’t act like it.



That’s Whataboutism.

Concentrate on russia the subject at hand.


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What have they given up?

The normalization of relations between Cuba and the US is a good thing.

It is also simply normalizing relations and not advancing the interest of a belligerent nuclear power that is actively working to destabilize this democracy.

For some reason it is our job to control how society works in Russia, but not China or Iran. Iran gets billions no matter whom they kill.
No, it is our job to see that the US is at peace and not being short changed around the world.
Get along with Russia because it is in our best interests.
Anyway, we know this supposed interest in Russia is largely fueled from the Russia collusion hoax of 2016.

With twitter and facebook

Iran gave up pursuing nuclear weapons. That was the deal that was had and now it is gone. If we want to put pressure on Iran for almost anything we have no backing from the international community. Even Pompeo tried to invoke things from the Iran deal after the US pulled out and the rest of the world told us to screw off.

Why? Why is it in our interests? What do we really get out of elevating Putin?

Here is 1000 page bipartisan Senate Intel report about Russian active measures in 2016.

Reducing chances of a hot war with the second greatest nuclear power on earth?

What do we gain with an in your face attitude for Russia? And why such concern over Russia when it is China that gave the world its pandemic…and is certainly no better internally than Russia?

Elevating Putin? He doesn’t rely on us to elevate himself.

Yeah. That’s how I know the Senate thinks Russia messes with twitter and facebook.

And hacking, and disinfo, and…

Boxing Russia out of the G7 avoids war? That is an odd thing to say.

It doesn’t have to be an either/or case

Why help him?

The Castro’s weren’t belligerent??? Sure, I’ll bet the people of Cuba, whom the Castros have impoverished, oppressed and murdered for 60 years just love their benevolent dear leaders…

Other than cheap cigars, what have we gotten from Cuba?

Presumable the twitting and disinformation go together. Really, how much more disinfomation is put out there by them that isn’t also there from both sides here?
And does it equally bother you if China or Iran do it, or just Russia?

As for as the hacking…that is illegal. How did hacking change anything in 2016? Nothing was ever released that was found to be false. Did Hillary do something so terrible in those hacked documents that it changed the result of the election…and if she did is that on Russia or on her?

IMO, all this interference is similar to the concern that radio waves give people cancer. Sounds scary but there isn’t much evidence of any real threat.

Castro wasn’t anything since the fall of the USSR. Cuba hasn’t been a threat to the US for decades.

Normalizing relations… you know the thing that Trump helped to get done with Israel and the EU.

It isn’t a bad thing.

Yeah, but you never see Democrats so upset about China…which makes the whole thing look a lot like a get trump hoax, added on top of the collusion hoax.

Continuing MAGA policies, tax cuts, deregulation, border wall, judges etc with 2nd term plans of defunding Planned Parenthood, school choice and fixing the debacle of Obamacare.

My hopes for a second term is that Trump will tackle Roe vs Wade, aka…abortion/infanticide with “heart beat” laws (taking nothing away from women’s right to choose), and get rid of the teachers unions and the DOE. :crossed_fingers:t2:

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