What are your favorite policies being touted by you preferred candidate for November?

…very nicely done Paul.

Something about finishing a big, beautiful, wall along our southern border that dems have been fighting him over his entire first term.

IOW…more new wars.


It beats cozying up to Russia.


Wait…whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? :crazy_face:

You heard me. You just disagree with my statement.

Is it not a fact that POTUS wants to add Russia to the G7.

For no good reason.


Obviously you agree with the presidents stated policy of adding Russia.

It’s okay to be pro-Russian in foreign policy.

Just not this biden supporters cup of tea.


Here’s a link.

Common sense. Lol.


Can you tell me why it’s better to have someone as your enemy, than to attempt to get along and come to an agreement that helps insure peace?

Why reward Putin for poisoning his political rivals?

Aka cozying up to the Russians.

With friends like Putin who needs enemies.

I’d rather have a policy of distance with Putin, you disagree.


Russia is a lot more than Putin.

There is nothing to gain by what either of you two suggest and that mindset is very small…indeed.

How so? Right now Russia is Putin. Putin wields all of the power. It is an autocratic kleptocracy… basically a mafia state.

So how is having reservations about rewarding the head of that State on an international stage for actively suppressing and poisoning opposition and dissent to his rule “small thinking?”

This is why Liberals should really leave foreign policy to adults.

How so?

How is rewarding autocratic kleptocrats in the world stage for nothing in return acting like an “adult”?

China through hiding the truth and protecting travel within China while spreading it throughout the world gave us a world pandemic that will kill over a million people, and Democrats are all upset because they are afraid that Putin will keep up tweeting and trying to buy facebook ads.


…and burning, looting and rioting is, “mostly peaceful protestors”.

Because you think inclusion to the G7 as a “reward”. Little heads up, Russia was included in the G7, only back then (when they were a part of it) it was known as the G8. They were not invited back after that Crimea kerfuffle. Maybe it’s time to get them back in the room and get a peek at what’s going on inside their borders rather than what the RT news agency has to say.

Question: you are aware that the G7 is an informal meet & greet brainstorming conference right? There are no treaties or legally binding agreements that come out of these things.

Russia has not addressed any concerns based on Crimea. If anything they have become even more belligerent.

Yet rewarding them with giving them back their seat at the big boy table in exchange for nothing is somehow what an adult would do.

Just bonkers.

Actually, I’m rather suspicious of the claim that Russia keeps on secretly poisoning people with chemicals that the press says are peculiarly Russian. That’s like deliberately leaving your finger prints at a crime scene. To me it looks more like a false flag designed to demonise Russia via the press and slow down any cooperation between Russia and the US in dealing with China and Iran and the imminent Turkish khaliphate.