What are all the negative impacts of going green? Let's list them all here

Headed by the CCP?

They own and have bought out some of the biggest mines and they take in 80% or all cobalt from the Congo from mining contracts signed over a decade ago.

“Cobalt is a unique commodity because it’s primarily controlled by only two countries: China and the Democratic Republic of Congo. The DRC supplies about 70 percent of the world’s Cobalt, but 80% of its industrial cobalt mines are owned or financed by Chinese companies. This dynamic has disproportionately favored China and has led to hostility among the Congolese government and its domestic mining companies.

For more than a decade, Chinese companies have spent billions of dollars buying out U.S. and European miners in the DRC’s Cobalt belt, leading to control of 15 of 19 of the primary cobalt mines in the country.

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What about the responsibility of the consumer? Which country has the most I-phones and EVs?

I don’t own either and to the degree it is even possible I actively discriminate against things manufactured in communist countries.

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I want to vote for bromine redox batteries for large scale grid storage, good investment, it will win in the end. Not the sexiest storage but relatively begnign and more importantly, cost winner.

Huh. I don’t know if we care.

Suppose the DRC nationalized the Cobalt mines, and the Chinese got peckish. Would you support America backing Ukraine in a war?

How about America going to DRC and making them an offer they can’t refuse for the mines? Would you support that?

Generally speaking, should we sit and watch an adversary corner a market on a critical resource like this?

I am not sure about EV’s cellphones though it’s no competition

  1. China
  2. India
  3. Indonesia
  4. United States

I am not sure who’s ultimately responsible but the podcast you posted by Rogan is pretty much what I have over the past few years of what is happening with slave labor in the Congo as well as Xinjiang. I don’t think the message will resonate regardless because there is so much invested into EV’s and batteries in general it will likely remain a dirty secret and mostly ignored by the mainstream.

I don’t support the Ukrainian war not for love of Russia I could care less about them but the wasted billions that could be used elsewhere. Not to mention my wife’s family is from the Ukraine so unfortunately I have gotten to see the costs few are talking about the displacement of people fleeing there that will never return.

At least trying to corner the market in the Congo there would be more likely be better working conditions for the native population there. While the west in general over history has a question mark on human rights we try, China could give a flying toss about human rights.

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Here’s another article with issues concerning wind turbines:


Shhhhhhhh… :shushing_face:

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What are the issues? A less competitive use of that land will be outbid by a more competitive one. Electricity for humans is more important than the possible displacement of what’s already there.

California just hosed residential solar.

What a Great Green attitude … Environment be damned as long as LA can charge their EVs.

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The owls can adapt now.


Energy security is more important than what’s already on the land.

That is the very definition of anti-green

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The only real way to truly go green is to reduce, reduce, reduce. No air conditioning, no personal automobiles, drastically less meat, and way more. We did it 200 years ago and we can do it do today.

Of course no one wants to do that including myself. But we will be forced to one day. What is it that people here say? Something along the line of “Hard times create strong men.”