What are all the negative impacts of going green? Let's list them all here

Wow up there that is saying something

Any place that I can go in 45 minutes is pretty much the same as where I can get to in 15, so why bother? :wink:

Status quo. We’ve had a trade agreement with them since the eighties. Not saying that’s a good thing, but if it’s egregious now, why wasn’t it egregious under previous presidents?

Strange. Smaller soot particles penetrate deeper into our lungs and are worse than larger soot particles.

Who said it wasn’t egregious?
By the way, new mines, new agreements.

Reference post # 38.

“Diesel Particulate Filter” or DPF.

Pretty good breakdown of how they work…. It doesn’t mention whether they are a net positive or not, but I’d question the honesty of places that think they “help” anything but the EPA justify its existence.

Yup I got to it after a while.

Electric car batteries are toxic to the planet as they are not renewable or bio degradable they will rot and seep into the earth and poison the ground. (Same for solar panels and turbines when they break or wear out).

Not to mention half the globe will be stripped mined for all the minerals and materials needed for EC batteries, most of the mining will be owned by China using slave labor mostly children of the Congo.

This Global Warming, Climate Change environmental SCAM has nothing to do with saving the planet and everything to do with destroying the planet and earthlings that live on it! Cockroaches may not survive this woke man made disaster.


Actually, the lithium-ion batteries in EVs can be recycled in as much as the battery can be broken down into components and the elements separated for reuse. The bad news is that it requires a complex, sophisticated and expensive process that is not widely available thus only about 5% of lithium-ion batteries are currently being recycled.

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Getting Dumber by the Day t

The Green energy agenda is not about population control. :roll_eyes:

If you’re an import Japanese car guy like me these new era of American turbocharged engines are awesome.

Because when you throw exhaust on them they sound like old tuners.

The Ecoboost is the craziest. Because they sound like the VG30DETT engines that powered the 90-99 300ZX when you put some exhaust on them. It’s uncanny how similar they sound.

Difference being the Ecoboost can actually be worked on (having turned a wrench on a VG30DETT, that engine is an absolute nightmare to work with if it’s installed in the car) and it’s actually reliable. I love the VG30, but it suffered from severe service problems. Mainly the turbo’s internals loved to puke themselves into a thousand pieces randomly, it came from an era where engineers thought pumping coolant through the throttle body’s as a crossover method was a good idea, and even the rotating assemblies had issues.

When people think Japanese engines they think reliable. But the truth is it’s only certain engine families that are reliable. The VG30DETT was not one of those famous reliable Japanese engines. But it was very powerful for its time.

Whoosh :rofl::person_shrugging:

Very good post. Not easy, not cheap, and all these processes create their own environmental issues.

Not even for their deadly, deadly chromium used to make rat poison and artificial sweeteners.

When I posted about my diesels DPF system, that was the last day I had to drive to “clean” the particle filter…

Well today it just popped up the warning again. Now I got to pointlessly drive on the highway for another 45 mins to burn the soot particles again.

I wonder how much extra crap is being spewed into the atmosphere because the EPA is so stupid thinking they need to save it.

Just scrolled up…. Exactly 1 week.

(I need to make time to remove all that crap. Glad I don’t live in an emissions inspection state.)

Add another one. Reduction in fossil fuel use during covid spiked methane, a more potent ghg than carbon, in the atmosphere.

from Study explains surprise surge in methane during pandemic lockdown

The researchers simulated changes in OH using human sources of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide emissions that altogether affect the production and loss of hydroxyl radicals in the atmosphere.

They found that OH concentrations decreased by around 1.6 percent in 2020 from the year before, largely because of a fall in nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions caused by the COVID lockdowns. Nitrogen oxide is emitted into the air primarily from burning fuel.

A 20 percent reduction in NOx could increase methane twice as fast, Cias told a press briefing, adding: “This has surprised us greatly.”

The researchers said their study helps to solve the riddle of the rise in methane in the atmosphere in 2020.

But they acknowledged that more work would have to be done to answer the next mystery: why the rise in methane concentrations hit a new record in 2021.

Ciais said lower nitrogen oxide emissions from transport in the United States and India, as well as continued low levels of air travel due to the pandemic may have played a part.

Euan Nisbet, a professor of Earth Sciences at Royal Holloway University who was not involved in the research, said the jump in methane in 2020 was a “major shock”.

“Even more worrying is the rise in methane in 2021—this was after the major Coronavirus shutdowns when the economy was recovering,” he told AFP.

Joe Rogan is a national treasure

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It’s a big hidden dirty secret that few supporting green want to face, the slave labor for Cobalt in Africa headed by the CCP as well as the slave labor in mainland China using Uyghurs to mine polysilicon used in solar panels and wind turbines.

It’s all out there that millions are in slave labor by a communist government to mine these materials and from what is seen the media rarely touches the subject because that could possibly detail the green industry it’s all being mined by slaves under communists. Not many hashtags on that.