What anti semitism also looks like

Who is really [culture]

No, it isn’t. And you are not just another poster.

Nothing is more relevant. Culture and indoctrination inform behavior

Jews and WASPs are different.

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Correct. My point exactly. Who is really?!?

Not for the purposes of being white. It’s purposeful it’s not unfortunate.

When you say “white”, are your referring to culture?

Define “white”

No i am referring as you pointed to the American obsession with race and its use to ostracize

Caucasian. The rest is culture.

Then you can’t say Jews are white.

so riddle me this?

what makes them different from lets say the UK?

they are an allied nation with a strategic position geographically.

but basically that is it,

besides the obvious windfall for the military industrial complex.


That’s incorrect. All Caucasions are not “white.”


Of course i can. Jews are causasian . They are therefore white. Calling their actions anti white is anti semitic

“White” is an incorrect synonym for “caucasian.”


The discussion is about the abuse of the term to differentiate. To make someone different.

Jews are different than WASPs. They are both Caucasian - whatever that’s worth.

You are using the same lazy shortcut he did.

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Great, now everyone is dumber for having read this. :rofl:



He didn’t says wasps.

Yes of course i am. He didn’t do it out of laziness it was purposeful. Calling it unfortunate is hand waving away hateful language.