What anti semitism also looks like

Because they don’t run. Do better.

After setting the record for most suspensions in forum history? :rofl:


What makes Jews “white” as a group?

Genetics. We are Caucasians

Not to mention the post is wrong.

You mean like taking a small number of people from the left protesting and using that to talk about “the anti Semitic left?” That’s kind of broad brushing? Cuz that’s all over this place to talk to them about broad brushing. The far being anti Semitic isn’t a broad brush, it’s an historical fact and contemporaneous reality. That along with a lot of other things is why 70% of American Jews vote Democratic.


Correct. Always have been, sans a few adopted Gentiles.

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Hey youve got George Santos. He claims to be Jewish-ish.

Hmmm wonder why Jews won’t/don’t run as Republicans? You’re on the inside and an astute observer, what’s going on with that?

Tucker Carlson and Candace Owens are pretty popular with their conservative audiences, at least the one Tucker used to have.

They’re in the middle of quite a stink along with free speech for stuff I agree with champion Elon Musk.

This week they’re all getting side eye for sharing their beliefs about Jews which used to be only acceptable at places like 4Chan or Stormfront.

Charlie Kirk joined the party and dipped his toes in a bit with this …

“Some of the largest financiers of left-wing anti-White causes have been Jewish Americans.”

They need to keep banging that drum so that the conversation can finally be had.

“Who is really white?!??!”

Don’t try to debate me on this, I not having a discussion with you, Adjust your conduct. Period.


its just another country.


Nothing I’ve said isn’t backed by history and reality.

“Caucasians” is a useless term. There are dark skinned “Caucasions.”

The twit’s use of the word “white” was unfortunate, but I don’t think was antisemitic. The “other” was obviously “not Jewish.” When people say “white” in lazy standard usage in the US, it generally means WASP.

He could have been more accurate, but what he said is true. Americans get far too caught up in race and racial terms. Meaningless terms.

The issue with the Jews he is talking about is critprog. They are descendants of Europeans who were raised and educated (indoctrinated) in progressive enclaves. Practically all of the grandfathers of critical theory were European Jews. The Jewish nation as a whole tends to be very, very progressive - unsurprisingly.

The part I’m struggling with is the “dialectical” hatred? Is he calling it a Hegelian dialectic?

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the charlottesville “jews will not replace us” chant, they were not leftists.


Whether they are critprogs or liberals or indoctrinated is irrelevant.

Differentiating Jews from wasps is not an unfortunate action. It’s purposeful and it’s anti semiotic to its core.

Dare to dream. That conversation would actually make people learn that race = species, not breed.


Not true.



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