We're coming back!

Democrats will probably do everything they can to slow the economy. If states can over estimate the number Covid deaths it would help their cause immensely.

yes indeed

No. He said that Mr. Floyd would be happy to see his country coming back after all it’s been through.

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Certainly. My only problem with Coulter is that she opposes anyone who isn’t a clone of herself. 90 percent agreement isn’t enough. If someone isn’t in 100 percent agreement with everything she says, they suck.

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Seems like a good idea to say that.


Well ya, if they’re good Americans they’ll probably say the numbers are likely cooked and they’re not counting people who have stopped looking for work :wink:


From what I understand, this pic was taken right after she received the glum news.


Obama’s Deepstate traitors are looking at treason for their attempted coup see a need for riots. These people are evil!

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Sectors are looking better and better each day. :man_shrugging:

I am on the very front line of our economy and May was the best month I’ve ever had…period. ■■■■ COVID-19 and all those who helped shut down our nation’s economy. That was just plain stupid. There are some parts of the country that were hit harder than others, so why shut EVERYTHING down? Some parts maybe but not the entire country. As Trump said, the cure maybe worse than the virus being fought and he was right. This is another clear governmental mismanagement of a problem.


thats true. well put

Bingo, anything to watch the president fell. Were are the bad DOW threads that only show when the market is down? As if the dementia man Biden will come in and rally things around, it’s more like ■■■■ will just crash. He has always been and admire of China and will bow to the great Winnie the Pooh.


“EVERYTHING” wasn’t shut down, quite far from it, actually.

Unless by “EVERYTHING” you mean 25 %:


The study showed that 8 in 10 counties are locked down and represent almost 96 percent of the entire country’s output.

Nothing was ever truly that locked down though since essential services make up such a huge part of the economy and companies like mine (finances) continued operations through telecommuting.

represent almost 96 percent of the entire country’s output.

But the black unemployment rate didn’t drop.

didn’t get here either

Black unemployment is lower than it otherwise would have been had this good economic news been what was “expected”

It’s over 27,000. Don’t fight the fed!

Yowza ! Hope y’all bought in at the end of March !