Well well well, look who has seen the light!

Redundant nonsense that won’t actually do a thing with vaccination moving along.

People that need to are already wearing masks.

A safe swampy move.

Simply not true.


I think you guys are forgetting how bad things were in NY in the beginning of the pandemic. It really makes sense that Cuomo went full bore out of the gate.

And honestly, upstate NY has had restaurants, hotels, and other things open or half open since the summer.

I don’t think he’s perfect, but really, if you don’t live in the area, I think you might not appreciate how terrible it was at the start, and how crazy dense NYC is.

I also think, with the vaccine rolling out now, it’s absolutely appropriate for ALL govs to be planning their opening, and relaxation of restrictions. I’ve been for controlling the virus even at the cost of the economy - again, influenced by my geography and experience - but now with better days clearly ahead - it’s time to plan to live again.

Hooray for that.

I think you are ignoring how bad things were in NY before the pandemic.

Fiscally? No, I know.

I’m talking more about the severe NYC lockdowns. And really, people don’t realize that upstate has been very open for months and months. They think Cuomo has had the whole state in severe lockdown, and that’s not the case.

Emphasis mine. I didn’t even get past the second search page.

The poster brought up Trump not me… Almost strawberry smoothie smooth i guess

Saratoga race course was closed the entire summer and they are upstate.

Jersey had their tracks open to spectators, ridiculous to close Saratoga for the season.


Context remains restrictions.

Interesting that you are so invested in that.

Bottom line is that the crisis and economic suppression is over right at inauguration.

Not hearing so much about the fatality numbers either. See what you can dig up on those…


I actually like the way GA holds there elections. Ensures no one holds office without having 50% plus 1 of the vote. If the whole country did that maybe we would have more than just Democrats and Republicans for the most part.

Is upstate the problem? Or is the City That Never Sleeps draining the state dry?

I brought up economy transition.

The case numbers are suddenly background noise…again as predicted.


Not hearing where it’s on the front page of every major publication.

We just had a record day the other day.

It’s waning for like it was in May then June then July then august.

It’s ok though you can keep changing and I’ll keep quoting you while you talk about context

Or ridiculous to open Jersey for the season?

Not me. It encourages hyper-partisanship and discourages third party candidates.

Yes the case numbers have gained second line not background noise but still i will give credit where credit is due

The Monmouth race meeting held when the virus was under control in the state and under strict health protocols.


This one man against the horde story line is a little skerry

Record days and restrictions lifted make the obvious inauguration and CV 19 restriction connection solid

BTW…Where did Fauci go?

AWAY…He just went away.

Any rationalization for a race?