We warned you. Your value to lefties is only what you can provide to them

Are we now pretending that pointing to other countries’ successful “free” health care isn’t a staple of the left’s argument for government run health care?

No we are pretending that the use of other countries as an example of how something will/can/may pan out in that country can actually be projected onto how it will work in this country as well.

The people cited in the article, for starters.

Alright - so based on this are some people opposed to medically assisted suicide ?

So when i said confirmation bias is a hell of a drug did you think i was referencing … what?

They are not arguing that. They are saying the society is more likely to cull the elderly if this is permitted. Talk them into it even. That’s some rational thinking right there.

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Basic principles are basic everywhere. Cost always finds its way into a calculation of that nature. It’s unavoidable.

I am sure many will convince themselves it’s the “compassionate” choice and that the millions they stand to inherent never crossed their minds.


I think you were parroting some words that you have a vague understanding of that you think sounded smart.

I have faith in humanity. It probably is a different definition of what yours is.


Absolutely but empathy overrides that. More often than not. That’s why i compared it to sociopath like behavior

I don’t know if the following will be used to show what the left thinks but i am going to say this - this country in some instances torturers the elderly by prolonging life out of emotional attachment. I don’t blame them. This is a person who means a lot in someone’s life and they cannot and will not let go. So I don’t mean for that to sound callous but that’s just something i have seen.

Therefore thinking that people will somehow detach themvsels from the elderly once euthanasia is legal is not based in reality.

I am too dumb to even pretend to sound smart. But ad hoc away

People and governing bodies are not the same.

Yeah that’s exactly how all of this works. People are pure evil. More of that faithy faith from someone who started a thread as to why is everyone insane…. I mean come on guys. Where is this coming from?



That’s very very very very true. Bureaucrats and medical care should never mix but they always do. That’s why i when i dove into this particular side of the argument i was discussing family telling their family members to off themselves as becoming a thing.

My personal beliefs on end of life issues have changed now that I have developed a chronic condition. I believe people should be able to make their own decisions when it gets to a quality of life vs. a quantity of life scenario. I’m in the process now of changing my Advance Directive now to stop any medical treatment and focus on palliative care when certain criteria are met, and am putting a DNR order in place.

I’ve gotten to a point in life where I’m just tired - tired in a way I’ve never been before. Thankfully, there are some legal ways you can protect your choice to do that, but I’d like to see more choices available.

Might want to look up how many cases of elder abuse occur every year.



Fine, just trying to understand if anyone thinks it should not be permitted.

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Might want to look up how many cases of domestic violence results in death.

Then Look up what totals percentage of the elderly suffer abuse (just as a side note one is too high).

Again you are projecting an occurrence that should never take place and the fact that people can be evil onto it becoming a thing. It will happen. I don’t doubt it. But it won’t be nowhere as common as you guys are suggesting.