We Need To Stop the Shutdown & Go Back to Work

Right now, IMO, we need fewer committees and more decisive action.

We could if we when nationwide today.

We’ve lost 10M jobs…we’re heading into recession. Bite the bullet. Shut it down. Head for recovery faster. Get it over with.


We will be lucky to get things starting back to normal in June.


Agreed. We cannot overwhelm the medical system right now.

The best thing people can do is stay at home, limit their exposure and give the medical professionals the time they need to figure out what works and what doesn’t.

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Was the ship the draw or the President’s personal appearance?

Same here, Smyrna.

Mine was 15 days (to be reevaluated at 15 days) and I sent a mass email out to everyone I do business with explaining that.

All were very understanding and a few even expressed they wished their company would do the same.


Keep in mind the goal was to prevent the collapse of the hospital system.

Not necessarily to prevent the virus from doing what it does best.

This type of closure will, if any and all projections are true, last at maximum for two months. Any panel like that would likely come out with their first directive at the end of the two months.

Trump is not a dictator. Each State has a Governor. The Governor is responsible for making these calls. Not Trump.


Seriously, there are many who believe states exist for determining where to put stop lights. And that, under regulations set up by some federal government bureaucracy.

It can unify the opening of restaurant, travel, and group activities.

Trump should lead the charge. Set the example. There’s no way the US can get through this if 20 states refuse to enforce a stay in place.

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I know.

We will be lucky if things start to get back to normal by June.

Just being realistic.

Sure… but the President can certainly publicly call for it to happen… without his requisite insults would be preferable.

Or refuse to back off when the threat abates.

It really is.

Here in Florida construction is still considered “essential”.

IMO, if it is considered essential then there should be guidelines in place for each job site. The trades should be screened before being allowed to enter. The site should be disinfected.

What is going on right now is an absolute joke.

Florida is a hotspot. Should be shut down tighter.

Completely agree.

And if we release too soon we will just overwhelm the hospital system two months later and made all the economic havoc we’ve created thus far be for nothing.


Nobody wants that.

Each day brings new hope.